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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  How does it work? [Private]
    She would shake her head, quite uncertain about this as she looks at him. Almost as if asking for an answer herself. It was clear that she had no idea. How innocent she was. She moves closer to him and stares again with her sparkling eyes.

    “If I knew what to do, would I be asking? I am pretty dumb.”

    She responded back, putting herself in the position of being quite stupid. She blushes, clear that she knew nothing once more about certain things. Perhaps her head was losing too much blood that time of her head injury. Hard to say other than knowing that she was knew completely nothing. 

    Having only stallion of hers to provide her with the details that he could give about such foals and the process. What or how would he provide it?

    @Thorsen Going to do it just in case.
    He blushed, he had never had to explain something like this before. All of a sudden he felt like a young stallion speaking to a cute mare for the first time.

    "Uh, I guess I would get on you. Only if you would want to, of course. And then finish... in you?"

    He didn't to sound like he didn't know what to do, he just wasn't sure how to describe it since he had never done this before.

    "Sorry if that doesn't make sense. I do know what to do but I've never done this before so I'm not sure how to describe it."

    He blushed all over and but his ears a bit back in a shy gesture.

    @Paj Sia Yeah I thought we should do this just in case
    She blinks and listens a few more times (Poor mare). It was clear that she had never had this type of experience before neither talk of it. It was really like talking to a young handsome stallion. Walking up closer to him, she kisses him again with the nudge. 

    “Does it usually hurt? Is there supposed to be some kind of sign that shows when I am ready? Like when my body starts acting up?”

    She seems to be trying to making pieces of the puzzle fit in her head. She notices the blush and the ears which she couldn’t help but gently nip his ear. 

    “Is it something special between us?”

    He thought for a moment, he didn't want to scare her or make her think this was a horrible experience.

    "Maybe a little at first, but I promise to be careful. But I'm not sure how you know that you're ready, since I'm a stallion. I think you'll feel some kind of difference, maybe it's one of those things that you don't know how they feel until you feel it."

    Since he had just had this kind of talk with his sire, he didn't know how the mare would feel.

    "But I do feel something special between us and I love you."

    He said it with so much confidence, he was knew he had never said anything with so much truth before.

    @Paj Sia
    She listens again, completely trying to let herself think of good possibilities with this if she were to think real hard about it. Letting her nose boop into his again, she smiles and lets her eyes shimmer in front of him. 

    “I love you too.”

    There was a sweet smile that came across her which she couldn’t be happier to know that this was how it was between the two of them. Her tail sways a bit while looking back at him. There was still a look as though she was worried about something. 

    “There were times when my body was oddly strange. It’s only occurred at odd times though. Not all the time. I didn’t know if it was odd or if it was because I was dying. I didn’t know. It… was very strange though. I would hide away when I can but then.. my body would heat us and as though it was then be begging for a foal. Is that… part of it?”

    She had to be open about it, looking at her stallion. How can she hide that from him? Perhaps he knew about it much better than her.

    He blushed slightly at the sweet words. But he saw that she looked a bit worried.

    "I guess so, as I said I'm not sure how you would feel but it makes sense that your body would make you feel as if you wanted a foal. Maybe that's a part of it."

    He nuzzled her, wanting to lower her worry.

    "If you want to we can try once you feel that way."

    He said it with a calm tone so to not make her feel as if he was pushing her.

    @Paj Sia
    Although worried, she felt the sweet nuzzle and blushes with the worry slowly easing away. Keeping her gaze on his, she smiles and nuzzles again. As if the day couldn’t be any better, the sun keeping them warm in the midst of the river. 

    “Should we? Would I be in the right state of mind? Would I even remember that moment together?”

    Almost as if worried again that she would forget it all. She was trying to decide but nudges a kiss again to him. Deciding real hard, she was certain of this decision of hers. 

    “Can I give myself to you without that time when it occurs? There were times where it attracted some stallions, but it I’ve managed to escape and hide away throughout those times. Can we?”

    She hides her face under his chin, being certain of her choice.

    He wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to worry her more.

    "I'm pretty sure that you would remember it and that you would be in the right state of mind. You would just feel something inside you that would make you want to have foal."

    He put his head on her shoulders and hugged her tightly.

    "If you believe yourself to be ready, then yes. We can do it. But I want you to tell me immediately if you feel uncertain. Understood."

    He didn't want to sound mad but he did put a bit of force behind the last part, just so she would know that he was serious. He would never want to hurt her and it angered him when she told him of having to hide from others before. He just wanted her to know that from now on she would be safe.

    @Paj Sia
    Every word he had said, it made her happy. Clearly on her face that she wasn’t getting the wrong judgement now. Feeling his head around on her shoulders, she had a little whine that came out of her as if accepting of him and his affections. Not like she had t been accepting from the beginning because she was. 

    “I will. I can never not feel uncertain with you. I feel very certain with you. Better than most that have tried to come to me. You are far much better of the stallion and mate that I would much rather have. Will you… let me know when it starts?”

    She blushes again, turning her face to at least come to meet his and his gaze. There was the sense that she could find in him when it came to the anger but she still loved him since it was more of a meaningful thing to her. 

    He was glad that she didn't feel uncertain with him. The whine that came from her calmed him, he knew that she would tell him if anything was wrong and he was so glad that she would.

    "And I will never feel uncertain with you. I have never felt anything like this before and I am so glad that it's you that I'm feeling this with for the first time."

    He kissed her softly, as if he was thanking her.

    "I will help you with this and figuring out when it starts. But you will also have to be ready and you must figure that out on our own."

    He looked into her eyes, with calm and pure love behind his eyes. He kissed her again and nuzzled her.

    @Paj Sia

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