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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  waiting for the hint of a spark, any


    Ciri had once looked like a soft thing too. Although the elders of the Falls and even her own mother often spoke of her being an old soul and unusually perceptive and calm for a child (of the strangeness of her swirling silver orbs and the piercing of her gaze as if she could see right through you), she had been quiet and gentle for most of her childhood. It was her desire to protect others, her life as a wandering gypsy type, and the reality of life that had finally hardened and sharpened those soft edges. Becoming a fighter had just happened and she took to it like a fish to water. But even with her experience, without the power of her stars, she knows she’s grossly outmatched here.

    The rustling is louder and the darkness becomes more suffocating. The curved slope of her ears twitch and swivel to try and figure out where exactly the monster was… and hoping it was only one of them. Only being able to rely on her hearing as her sight is swallowed by the endless night, trying to quiet her breathing as she stands defensively, tense and still. She is so focused on what’s before her, thinking that the other has followed her advice, that she doesn’t realize Basilica is directly beside her until she flinches slightly as shoulder brushes against shoulder.

    “I won’t leave you.”

    There’s a constriction around her heart, gritting her teeth as an overwhelming feeling rushes through her body. Words that she wished Amet or Castile had once said to her when she had needed them most. Even though death and danger loom around them, she can’t help but blink back silvery tears, refusing to shed them and focusing again on the threat that’s coming closer and closer. Forgetting that the other probably can’t see her very well, she gives a slight nod of acknowledgment to the mare that she had heard. Maybe it wasn’t smart, letting her stay when she had seen the panic in the mare earlier. However she hadn’t missed the determination in her voice and knows what its like to be worn down and sick of running. She can respect that completely.

    In a matter of seconds, everything changes. There’s a sudden roar and crash as something barrels out of the underbrush, snapping branches and thundering towards them. Ciri lifts herself up partially on her hind limbs, her front hooves punching out again and again at whatever is attacking them as a sharp whistle of warning pierces the smothered air. She can’t see her new companion and only hopes she’s not caught off guard. Something slices across her breast and she inhales sharply with the sting of pain.

    Before she can react, a deafening boom erupts and light explodes all around them.

    For a moment, she can see the Monster. It’s a nightmare fuel creation, something that haunts her dreams and makes her think of the Underneath. Bile rises in her throat as well as her fear. And then she is blinded, making her stumble as her forelimbs crash back to the earth and her eyes close in pain. It takes a few minutes for the light to calm, black spots dancing across her vision as she winces and tries to pry her eyelids open against the assault of sunlight. Still cautious and trying to hear where the creature was now. “Are you ok?” She calls out to Basilica, hoping the Monster was gone and hadn’t hurt her new companion.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    @[basilica] How about both lol <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: waiting for the hint of a spark, any - by Ciri - 04-25-2021, 12:54 PM

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