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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face - Lilliana

    She definitely didn't see that. Every part of her that might have detected the glow on her friend ignores it to such an extent that she easily pretends it didn't happen. Unlike Wolfbane, Neverwhere is not interested in anything that might caused Lilli to illuminate more of less under her own power. She settles into the silence as the pair beside her flirt and, if Wolfbane could read minds, he might be disappointed that she is not the least troubled by her position as intruder and hanger-on. Though it would seem that she has learnt at least a small amount of civility from the other mare, it is not enough social grace to care deeply about being ignored or not belonging. And as for trying to find weaknesses in his exterior, well, she doesn't need those. She found him wanting from the very first moment and nothing has changed that opinion.

    What can she possibly see in him? The silver-brown mare wonders, turning to meet her friend's hopeful gaze, holding it steady with a grim expression. What she will not pretend is that everything is okay, that she doesn't see perfectly well what is happening, even though she barely sees at all. A quiet voice deep in the back of her mind curses the loyalty that Lilliana built within her, it should be so easy to leave, so easy to turn her back and just go, she'd done it a hundred times before.

    But it isn't.

    It just isn't, and she's stuck here, watching someone who should know better throw her self preservation into the sea with a joke and a smile. She is unfamiliar with the feeling that opens like a black gully in her belly, but it sits both hollow and heavy, until she is forced to reply at last to the question hanging in the air, the reminder of their first meeting.

    "No, I am not afraid of the Boneyard."

    There is nothing on her voice that speaks to the wry amusement of that earlier conversation, when they had both just arrived, and when Neverwhere should have turned right back around, but there is little time to say anything else, the indigo-and-gold stallion is already chirping away, moving off to this mysterious destination. Despite misgivings, she drifts along with him, because to refuse would be to leave her friend alone in his grasp, and she is not at all ready to do that. She steps forward, seeing the trap laid on the narrow path and knowing exactly how much of a bad idea it is.

    Well, she has done plenty of stupid things in her life, what is one more?

    "Lilli," she says, with a gesture, "perhaps you'd prefer the place with the view? It'll be lost on me." She shrugs, almost nonchalantly, but the idea of being pressed close to him is enough to make her hair curl with disgust, and, with the chestnut's response, Neverwhere moves up onto the path, nostrils so full of his scent she might choke.

    "Heartfire gives a thorough tour, it's a shame she could not offer the same courtesy to Lepis when she visited last fall. Your mate is well, I hope?"

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face - Lilliana - by Neverwhere - 10-16-2019, 10:03 PM

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