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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  its not my fault

    Fairies have some sense of humor.

    The immediate problem presented by being no bigger than a cottontail is getting back down from the mountain. The walk is much longer and more difficult from the beginning as she finds herself on one side of a slender fallen tree that she’d only stepped over when she arrived. Were she actually a rabbit Morgayne might have hopped over it but instead she is forced to walk most of the way along the thing before squeezing beneath it where it is propped up against a boulder. Her path is littered with many such obstacles and inconveniences. Sometimes when she steps on a pine needle it angles up to poke her in the legs or belly with it's sharp ends. Elsewhere, where there is snow she must scrape and scramble over the hard frozen edges of it.

    In the end Morgayne gets some help off the mountain, though it is particularly unwelcome.

    The raptor’s strike manages not to kill her and her undignified screams are luckily heard by no one but the bird as it wings swiftly back into the heavens and then selects an air current to cruise into Hyaline on. Morgayne’s tiny black legs flail uselessly, a taloned claw holding her firm and digging itself into her muscles and gut. Still she flails and twists and uses some words she’s learned in her adventures. Finally reaching up she bites the eagle as hard as she can on its scaly yellow leg and finds herself soon plummeting, spinning, tumbling toward the trees below.

    It is a fall that ends quickly with a battering of leaves and twigs and then a horrible hard splash into the river. Stunned, Morgayne is unable to sort up from down and is dragged down by the current at first. Then the rapids churn and her small dark face breaks the surface as she is swept past rocks and down through undulating rapids. Occasionally managing a terrified squeak that is likely drown out by the water.

    The banks widen and the river calms enough that she can point herself toward the muddy bank. Struggling, exhausted, pushed by the water past the place she’d been aiming for Morgayne finally stumbles up onto a tiny swatch of washed out bank and then onto the grass where she collapses on her side soaked through and still so very small. Darkness closes in though the day is bright and the sun warm on her pink belly from which blood ribbons too quickly.

    Morgayne’s eyes close, submitting to the narrowing, sickening pull of the abyss. She makes the bleeding stop, but the sleep she drifts into is black and distant and she cannot imagine herself into complete wholeness before everything goes dark.

    sometimes i wish
    we could be strangers

    OOC: Morgayne was turned the size of a rabbit for two weeks by a fairy. I am terrified of open posts plz let this not be a trash fire.

    Messages In This Thread
    its not my fault - by Morgayne - 07-30-2019, 09:50 PM
    RE: its not my fault - by kildare - 08-03-2019, 11:50 AM
    RE: its not my fault - by Popinjay - 08-03-2019, 08:27 PM
    RE: its not my fault - by Morgayne - 08-05-2019, 02:12 PM
    RE: its not my fault - by kildare - 08-05-2019, 07:32 PM
    RE: its not my fault - by Popinjay - 08-06-2019, 08:33 PM

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