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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i'll be your reason to fight; daddy, anyish
    It took a while, or at least it felt like they were walking forever to Defy. And through like lots more different kindsa places than he’d ever seen before, too. Not just forests and shit, the land took different shapes around them. Which really only got boring when he was super tired from all the tromping around. Momma kept him fed, and Daddy did his best to keep him from getting unbearably bored, coaxing him into games and trying to keep his spirits up and all. 

    But Daddy wasn’t feeling good. Made Defy pretty nervous too, whenever he wobbled or stumbled, or whenever Momma suggested they take a little break for Defy’s sake but he was pretty sure she meant for Daddy’s. And since Daddy was sick, he tried to like, not be too sulky or pouty or nothin’, just brave and tough and shit so they could get where they were goin’ without causin’ too much fuss.

    The volcano part was pretty cool. Stomping around by lands with like rivers of lava runnin’ through ‘em and shit, that was neat-o. He wanted to go explore, but it seemed a little bit more important to get where they had to be, and the volcano land was not it.

    But the trouble, see, was when they got to the ocean. And the part where they had to swim across it. No, but across the ocean. He sure wished his wing feathers would grow in so he could just fly there instead, but Momma and Daddy didn’ have wings no-how, and he wouldna just left ‘em to swim while he took the shortcut through the air. So. Well. Maybe that didn’t so much matter and he just wanted his dumb feathers to finally grow in, fine. 

    Okay. But the water was maybe not super fucking scary and cold and dumb, like the dumbest thing out there. There was so much of it, and he was not even as big as Momma and Daddy, and the water was a WHOLE lot bigger than they were, and they had to swim across it though. Defy had never swam before, and he was super not convinced he even could, let alone across a whole ocean. 

    But Daddy was lookin’ at him like he could totally do this, and he never, never wanted to let Daddy down or make him think he was anything less than the awesomest boy ever. So instead of diggin’ in his heels like he so very wanted to, he looked up at Daddy and nodded. Yeah. He could totally do this.

    Annnnd then he ran out into the water like a big brave boy even though it was cold and big and scary and dumb.

    About halfway across, after what felt like forever of swimming, it started to get lots harder. He was tired, and the water was not fun or nice, and he wanted it to be over, so, so bad. He had to fight to keep his head up above the water, and he was starting to lag, to slow down and lose whatever steam he managed to work up to begin with. Momma and Daddy had to help him the rest of the way across, and when they got to the shore he just laid down on the sand, huffing and puffing and trying to catch his breath, his eyes only half-bothering to open.

    Still, he looked up at his daddy, asking with tired eyes if he did good.

    Messages In This Thread
    i'll be your reason to fight; daddy, anyish - by Defy - 11-24-2018, 12:47 AM

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