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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You make me whole [Lavendel]
    Bronze tipped lobes hear his lady's two-beat footfalls matching his stride-for-stride. Shortly after he slides to a halt, sleek ebony pelt feels her soft canvas melt into his own. He sighs gently as her warm breath exhales upon his cheek. Her presence, her scent and, her touch offer a silent reassurance and tranquility that he had greatly missed. Ebony equine finds himself leaning into her tender embrace. Long-lashed eyelids close gently as a sense of peace descends his scarred chassis. With his love beside him, whiskered muzzle reaches out to push aside the curtain of foliage to reveal the scene before them. He waits, to permit Lavendel to pass as if he holds open a proverbial door.

    Muscled haunches engage to push him forward into the cool sand where he draws alongside his lady. Whiskered muzzle lifts to brush the crest of her hip before he exhales a warm breath upon her flank. Jesper takes a couple of steps forward so that his muzzle may rest upon her withers. He exhales again and then, wiggles his upper lip to playfully nudge her ivory tresses. At the same time, ebony equine inhales to draw her perfume in - so delicate, so pure. A part of his heart did not feel he deserved her. He did his best to suppress these thoughts because another part told him it was fate that they were both in Sylva at the same time.

    Eyelids close over aquamarine orbs as her sweet scent entices the numerous fibers of his being. He had felt this warmth once before - with the golden mare. He had not told Lavendel yet. He wasn't even sure he was going to tell her. After all, it meant nothing to him. He did not wish to see Jackel. He did not think of her. She meant nothing to him. He sighs in an attempt to rid himself of his musings. What happened in the forest was neither here, nor now. Eyes open and, he burrows his muzzle under her silk locks and traces the curves of her nape towards her poll. Jesper halts wheh his nose brushes against her cheek. He places a gentle, lingering kiss there before turning his gaze toward the horizon. He watches, mesmerized, as the sky transforms into the majestic, evening palette.

    The black remains silent though, he shifts his weight slightly to press himself against the milk and honey hued mare. Softly, he whispers out loud. "That sky really is a magical sight to behold." He can barely take his eyes off of the colorful array before them. However, he takes a few moments to take in the peaceful expression upon his love's facade. As his eyes move to and from the sky, he realizes that the water appears to develop a soft glow. Despite the fading light in the sky, the surface of the bay grows brighter. Its glow is of a light blue - a shade similar to that of the sky during the day. Jesper redistributes his weight and then, steps forward out of curiosity. Muscular neck stretches nose out until whiskers break the surface tension of the liquid. He tenses, almost instinctively, as the wetness clings to his wiry hairs. His heart begins to beat faster as his mind flashes back to the Sylvan lake. A light breeze delivers a whiff of Lamb's fragrance to his olfactory sense and, the stallion reminds himself he is safe. He takes a large breath and then, lets it out. He continues this conscious breathing pattern until he feels the panic dissipating from his body. He glances back towards Lavendel and, invites her to join him with a gentle nicker. He turns his attention back to the bioluminescent water and, takes several steps into the liquid. Its temperature surprises him with the warmth it retains from the daystar. He sighs as it gently encircles his pasterns and, fetlocks. When his beloved joins him, he positions himself so that his stands perpendicular to her. He begins to caress her bodice with a gentle circling motion  as he massages the base of her neck. He continues down her shoulder before lifting his head to massage just behind her withers and, down her back.
    carnage x bethanie


    Messages In This Thread
    You make me whole [Lavendel] - by Jesper - 06-17-2018, 09:52 PM
    RE: You make me whole [Lavendel] - by Lavendel - 06-27-2018, 10:44 AM
    RE: You make me whole [Lavendel] - by Jesper - 07-02-2018, 12:45 PM

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