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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Blood is Thicker than Water [Trekori]
    Kromium ~ Karat
    Blood is Thicker than Water

    There is a moment in her that thinks of the thrill of rebellion.  Running off to explore the very edges of this world together.  Without rules of family or kingdoms.  How freeing it would be.  I wanted freedom, right...?

    Suddenly his thoughts turn to action as I watch a spark of idea brighten his horn.  He was so cute when it lit up like a magic little light bulb.  She is smiling at him as he says its easy.  Excited anticipation of his brilliance turns to almost sheer panic as his feet begin to move him away from her and out from under their hiding spot. "Wha.. Trekori, wa.....it," before she has time to object to this brilliant plan, he is gone and she slowly follows.  Head slightly hung in shame, or sadness. Maybe both. She isn't quite sure how to feel. 

    Hearing Kori address her brother in such a way, stuns her into looking up.  Krom has turned to face the golden pinto, ears flicked forward as he listens.  A look of surprise as pronounced on his features as mine had been upon seeing the winged colt.  Krom simply looks from Kori(as he turns to retreat back to where they had come from) to his sister.  She has come to a rest not far from him and allows the Ischian to pass her by without a glance.  Lavender eyes remain softened to her brother and he sees this.  Krom had always been the more sensitive one, and even with all they had been through he remained true to himself.  Knowing his purpose was to protect his family, his sister.  She was uncertain of hers though.  Never truly finding her niche in the world, but she was young still.  

    He steps towards her.  The smooth touch of his muzzle slides along her cheek.  It nearly tears her heart from her chest to say what she is about to, "I've got to go Krom... Just for a little bit.  I need some time to find myself...without you, or Father."  She can feel him tense at her words and pulls away from her slightly.  Emerald eyes trying to search for the sense in her words.  He shifts his weight before she begins to speak again. This time a request, "Please don't tell Father.." Her lavender-hazel eyes stare into his, noticing how they turn from their usual gentleness to rigid, as they look from her to where Kori had gone.  In a stern, almost threatening tone, he speaks at her but directs his words loud enough that Trekori would hear, "If this is what you want...need, then I will let you  have your space.  BUT if  ANYONE harms you, Karat, they will pay!" Standing his ground firmly he nudges her one last time before she turns to disappear from sight. He does not guarantee he would not go straight to their father with word of her disappearance but eventually question would rise and he would not lie for her. 

    Before turning to leave she presses into his touch and whispers a remorseful farewell, "I love you Krommie... Goodbye."  

    @[Trekori] We can start a new thread in Ischia if you want or if they want to visit someplace along the way would be fine by me... she hasn't been anywhere except Ischia and Tephra.  I made the twins each separate accounts too Smile

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    RE: Blood is Thicker than Water [Trekori] - by Kromium~Karat - 05-06-2018, 10:18 PM

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