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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  The time has come my little one / Trekori, Any
    I lead on a new adventure with Trekori in tow as we begin to meander around the forest. Why exactly we headed in this direction I can’t say for certain. Out of boredom is what it really came down to. Only so much time you can spend in one place, and I quite want to find my way around this Banana. Since it is now my home it is only acceptable to roam it. It’s late afternoon and we’ve been traveling for most of the day. Not that we have walked necessarily far in distance from the Meadow, but we have taken the less traveled route for sure and put on extra mileage. I look to the boy, knowing that I myself feel tired and suggest we rest for awhile, Maybe take a nap even. Without waiting to hear for his response I quick unfurl my wings to stretch them before cozying down into the dirt. I lay my head down and close my eyes with the intent to catch a few moments sleep but the noise of the forest keeps me awake. With every branch snap or rustle of the leaves I find myself peeking open one eye to see if anyone is coming. No one approaches, but it is enough to keep me from a decent slumber.

    My stomach growls in annoyance as I lay, lazily I open my eyes looking for a long tuft of grass or shrubbery that I can eat without making any real effort. I spot a nice looking patch off to my right and reach over to gnaw on it, finding several small oddly shaped fungi hidden behind it. I’ve never eaten such things, my planet didn’t have them. Perhaps that is why I consumed them with no hesitation with the grass. I nudge Kori who is on the ground beside me. ”Hey, kid. There are some interesting things, you should eat them. They don’t taste the best but I tried them and I haven’t died yet. It’s not good for you to be so skinny.” There I go again, the parental figure in this kid’s life.

    I return my head down to the ground and decide to close my eyes, trying harder to ignore any distracting noises. I’m not sure how long it takes me to fall asleep or how long I’m asleep, I would guess an hour or so if not a little longer before I wake. When I wake things seem different and something is off. I can’t place it, but the world seems to be… Breathing almost? It’s moving, pulsing, glowing, wiggling.

    I feel a weird euphoric wave overcoming me, and I can’t explain why when I look over at Trekori I’m smiling like an idiot. ”Glow-stick…” My laugh is deep and uncontrollable, ”I think we may have eaten something aloof.” And though I’m saying something so negative, it sounds so great coming out of my mouth. I don’t worry about what is happening as much as I should, I probably am a horrible father figure to this kid. I don’t even know what is really occurring. I stand, rustle my wings, and lay back down. I repeat the action. Again. Another time.  I don’t even notice myself tweaking as if I’m stuck on a loop for a moment but when I do, I can’t recall how long I’d been doing it. I hardly even knew I was doing it at all. Maybe it had been an hour, maybe it had been two minutes. I wouldn’t say for certain.

    ”Oh, man.” I look hazily over at the boy, ”what did I get us into? God, we are in some shit, shiny.” Its hard for me to finish my sentence as I periodically stop to chuckle to myself. It is evening now, the forest dimly lit by the moon. Kori’s horn glows softly amidst the darkness and captures my full attention. It is so weird that we both occupy the same space but it doesn’t feel like we are separate beings. It feels like we are one with nature and it one with us. It is beautiful, glorious, and man is his horn glory. ”It’s just so pretty, isn’t it? Can you see it?” Who knows if he can see his own horn, it’s a stupid question.

    I’m stupid dumb right now.
    @[Trekori] omg

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    The time has come my little one / Trekori, Any - by Andulvar - 03-10-2018, 12:44 AM

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