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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it was a blood-soaked feast that never ceased || any

    It is too much for a three year old to carry nine years of memories and emotions with her. They had come out of nowhere, and hit her hard. Jinju does not only know that she had loved – still loved? – Terran, but she remembers their love too. Passionate and fierce, heated gazes and fleeting touches. But to Jinju these memories are not her own. She remembers memories that belong to someone else. Someone not her. Even though it is her at the same time.

    She cannot handle it. Doesn’t know how to handle it. And thus she flees from it. Flees from Terran, and Ander, and Titanya, and Taiga.

    Oh yes, she remembers everything now. How Gryffen had come and how her father had tried to fight for Taiga’s sake, and then how the fairies had punished them, and burned down and ruined their beloved home. They’d taken almost everything she loved, and Jinju hates them for it. All of them. Gryffen, the fairies, and even Ruan to some degree. If he had tried to deal with the matter in a more peaceful way... Maybe Taiga wouldn’t have had to pay for it.

    During the past three years the forest had started to mend and regrow. New trees replace the old, but none of them challenge the old redwood trees height. Nor their width. But it is not the same Taiga. It’s spice still clings to her scent, but as of now that’s all that is left of Taiga in and on her. Jinju has fled to the forest – and through the forest to the river – without thinking twice. She had always felt more comfortable in forested areas, and at least these common places hadn’t changed.

    As Jinju nears her favorite spot at the riverbank, she finds herself approaching two other equine. One white and green – fucking green – and the other black as her own coat. Ruby orbs take them both in, a long and hard stare, but then she moves to the water, her thirst winning it over her curiousity.

    Like that it is easy to catch the blue eyed black mare’s question. With the droplets still rolling down from her lips, her ruby orbs find the pair again. ”No ones. The river belongs to any and all.”


    “My sun is set to rise again.”


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    RE: it was a blood-soaked feast that never ceased || any - by Jinju - 03-10-2018, 11:53 AM

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