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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Offer me that deathless death. Ivar, any.
    I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

    They had spent that fall in something of a lover's trance - though not romantic lovers, by any means. Moreover, they had played a long and intriguing game of tag, being both coy and explicit with one another. Trissy found it amusing and quaint, and allowed herself to enjoy their swims and sinful little frolics. Eventually, however, Ivar had resigned himself to his duties, and returned to Loess - Trissy was not far behind, but the slight lag was not at all innocent.

    She enters the the leafy, mountainous kingdom without hesitation. Her lithe black figure fits well into the scenery, but an ant from an eagle's view. It is her first time within the kingdom, and already she likes it better than Ischia - Ischia was hot and sticky (and I don't mean the weather), whereas here, the mountains call to her passionately. Soon, she will be enjoying their slopes with a reckless abandon, losing herself to the fantasy that perhaps she might be in the Beyond again. But too much has happened for her to return to that place now; now, she is here.

    And how she so deliciously delights in it.

    Her petite figure reeks of another stallion, but it is subtle - his scent, Torture's scent, is so alike her own that only a trained nose could pick apart the difference. It was her scent, but muskier, headier. As if she had just gone for a long, very exerting run (and how she had). Still, Ivar's scent is also blatantly apparent in her aura; Trissy grins openly at the thought of meeting Heda, the kelpie's darling wife. How much utter fun - in every kind of way.

    She weaves her way through the kingdom, lost as to where she ought to be heading, having no escort in this foreign land. Eventually, however, someone finds her - it does not take long, and indeed, it is exactly what she has been waiting for.

    html by maat

    Messages In This Thread
    Offer me that deathless death. Ivar, any. - by Trissy - 12-23-2017, 02:18 AM

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