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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there is never a day that goes by; spink pony

    He has lived ages, seeing others come and go while he has never grown a day older. He has seen thousands fall and mountains crumble (something he never wishes to see again). Sometimes he has wondered if the end of the earth is near, but it has not yet come. He also sometimes wonders what would happen to him when the end does come, when Beqanna has grown tired and finally falls into the abyss. Will his eternal life bleed from him and death finally claim him? Will he fall away into the abyss with his home, to remain forever trapped there? Or will he simply float in the great emptiness of space, until his frozen body crash lands into some foreign world and he awakens once more?

    These are all questions without answers, all thoughts that had been occurring to him more and more often of late. Perhaps it is the fall of the lands into the sea, the inevitable taking of lives and reshaping of things better left alone. Perhaps it has finally come to pass that the longevity of his life has surpassed the firmness of his mind.

    And perhaps he simply needs something to do. Something to once again live for. He had been aimless, a wanderer, once, long ago. But he had been much younger then, his mind freshly wiped clean by an accident he still cannot recall. Maybe that is the secret to living a driftless life, especially for a man like him. To clear the slate, as it were.

    As much as the thought appeals, he is loathe to bring himself there, to take that final step. Too much has happened in this life, too much he wishes never to forget. A love, long ago lost now. A land that few would even remember in a few years time. Most had already forgotten, even now. He could not forget.

    And so he wanders, weaving amongst the trees of the forest that had become his home, missing the weight of his wings against his sides, the tickle of feathers upon his haunches, contemplating the heavy thoughts that burden his mind. Paying no attention to his surroundings, so very contrary to the hard, watchful man he had once been in the Tundra.

    there is never a day that goes by

    that is a good day to die


    @[Spink] apparently he's super angsty today :|

    Messages In This Thread
    there is never a day that goes by; spink pony - by Hurricane - 06-01-2017, 10:28 AM

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