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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    here comes the danger up in this club; kota

    It was happening again.

    The pain lanced through him and his body tensed, his eyes slamming tightly shut. He tried to ride it out, tried to breathe through it as the magician taught him, but damn if this time wasn't worse than the others. He clenched his teeth so hard he thought they might break, tasted the blood of his tongue hot in his mouth, and still it came. Bones shifting within him, rumbling and moving and pressing against him from the inside.


    His back seized sharply from the pain and he fell hard to his knees, choking back another cry. He groaned quietly, felt the armor gradually pushing out a little further. The ripped flesh bled freely, tainting the edges of bone a dirty pink and pooling over to drip down his sides. But that was normal, it had always done that. Why was this time so much worse?

    Another spasm threw him on his side, his whole body violently trembling. Tears trickled helplessly from his shuttered black eyes, and he silently begged for the end. It wouldn't come so quickly, he knew. God, and this time was so much worse. He felt pressure at his sides and lifted his head to inspect it with pain-blurred eyes. What he saw only made him groan again and drop his head back to the ground.

    Another one. Goddamn, another one. Another plate of bone trying to come in, to rip out of him. His sunken skin was pulled taut across the lip of it, and it pressed with agonizing pressure. It hurt so bad. So fucking bad. He'd have to tear it open, but he could hardly move under the excruciating pain attacking him from the inside. He was dimly aware of another presence, and he cursed the timing of this damn growth. Never be in a position where you can't fight. Always be ready. Yeah, yeah, he knew. But it couldn't be helped this time. It was too much to bear while standing, too much to bear in silence.

    He forced himself to sit up, strangling another groan in his throat before opening sharp and furiously glaring black eyes to the other. A woman. Quiet and still in the shadows of this god-forsaken forest. His pupils shrank with another wave of pain and he blinked through it. What are you looking at, he snapped.

    Its alright, you'll be fine baby, I'm in control
    Take the pain, Take the pleasure. I'm the master of both



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    here comes the danger up in this club; kota - by Dovev - 04-26-2017, 02:26 PM

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