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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sticks and stones, Love [Stillwater]
    Beqanna had changed that she was sure.  The kingdom's were not how she remembered them to be so she took it upon herself to relearn them.  Having spent most her days lately wandering about the Forest she had talked to only her Father.  He was well and on his way to gaurd Tephra.  It was a peaceful place... No that would not do, not for her.  The creatures of the Forest talked, oh did they talk.  Like hen's pecking at the grain of life.  Being plain and boring she blended quite well.  Nothing special screamed out for attention so she used that to her advantage.  Change was once again falling on Beqanna, like the dried leaves fell to the snow covered lands, but not as a whole.  A kingdom.  Interest was taken immediately at the news and what that may hold for her... It was always about her.

    Silently she poured into the shadows within the lands.  Lurking about unnoticed by the few who called here home.  She had heard Sylva was a peaceful land that kept to themselves but stirring about was potentially trouble.  She liked stirring that pot.  Alone with her plots and plans she wandered farther into the kingdom.  She caught a glimpse of a lowly looking equine wallowing in his own self pitty.  Surely this could be fun.  She slid from the shadows not far from him.

    You look like a mutt who's owner beat him one too many times... Now tell me how a stallion such as yourself becomes, she eyes him pathetically, this?  Her bluntness could not be ignored but her question did not need an answer. As she neared him she could sense a brokenness, for a moment she almost felt bad for the poor bastard.  She was just within reach as she encircled him as a vulture to a dead carcass.  Karaugh wasn't a feline. She didn't care to play with her prey in a toying fashion.  She killed it or moved on if it hadn't a purpose. He could very well have something she seeked.  Yes, very much so.

    As she reapproached his front quarters her ebony whips played along their hides.  A shimmer was seen and her crown tilted to view it better... Such a shame, she tisked in disappointment.  Again a smile pulled from her lips as she introduced herself, I'm Karaugh(K-ar-a) by the way.  She pronunciates her name as many get it wrong and if she is to be blamed for anything they better get her name right 
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
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    Sticks and stones, Love [Stillwater] - by Karaugh - 01-05-2017, 03:30 AM

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