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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    cedar smoke and summer rain; any welcome

    Autumn was one of his most favorite seasons, if not his favorite.

     The crisp cool air and promises of long heavy winters brought him exploring through Beqanna at a quickened pace. With each and every face he met, he never could justify the time needed to spend to stop and truly get to know them. The only real interest was their, how do you say it? Differences?

    As far as he knew he was nothing like the rest. He was simply colored strangely, and at this point he was convinced that the reason for that was because his mother had given birth to him on the edges of Beqanna before sweeping him off towards another land. But as for his gift from the faeries, it had yet to be discovered. It's curious to think if his favorite season will come to change when it is discovered or will spring and summer continue to be hated, just as much as it is now? 

    I guess that's one thing we will have to wait to find out.


    His first true time in Beqanna had only been half a year ago, yet he hadn't done much of anything except wander around and stare at the different lands that patched together and made up this unique and wonderful place he now called home. Exploring was exactly what he had been doing today, yet this time he kept from the shadows. In the glowing light of Autumn the stallions hot pink and black ombre coat shone brilliantly in contrast with the colors of autumn spread across the ground and through the trees. His snow colored mane and forelock lay thick and in curls against his neck and forehead and for a moment a pink eye or two pokes through the strands of hair with delicate precision. 

    He's moving towards the meadow finally, long ombre legs sweeping elegantly as they carried him across the hardened ground. His hooves crunched into the snow beneath him and with soft breaths, plumes of steam wafted gently across his face. It's quiet here, like it is everywhere at this time of year. Yet the silence is different. It brings with it a sort of cozy welcome, beckoning the wandering souls deeper into it's grasp. Even a soul like his, content in the shadows and alone, could and was being persuaded into joining the rest. 

    The sound of her call carries across the emptiness the moment he crosses the boundaries of the meadow and for a moment he ignores it and comes to a stop. He watches as the groups mingle and press together for warmth. Somewhere deep within a part of him recoils from the thought of socialization and being like them. Yet rather than follow the recoil and turn back into the woods, he steps forward and turns his body towards the call he heard earlier. With stiff and unsure movements the stallion soon catches up with the other. A solid pink eye lands on her plain features and a small bit of envy passes through his mind. 

    "I wish I were as plain as you," a deep, crackling voice spills through his lips and is followed by a dragged out sigh.

    R - E - H - U

    hi. drunk post and first time posting this boy. please bear with me <3

    Messages In This Thread
    cedar smoke and summer rain; any welcome - by Elk - 12-22-2019, 05:52 PM
    RE: cedar smoke and summer rain; any welcome - by Rehu - 12-22-2019, 07:43 PM

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