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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She sells seashells by the sea shore // Laura pony
    It is a cat that watches her, though unlike any cat she'd ever seen before. There had been lynx tracks once, in the snowy Taiga, and she knew whoever owned them was no small creature. Compared to the ebon feline who lurked on the bank however, they must be hardly anything at all. 

    Her greeting had been light, offhanded. It had been said carelessly before she turned to see exactly who or what had come upon her. She had not expected much, and yet managed to be surprised anyway. Her ears flicked back to see his massive paws, the saber teeth she knew must be hiding behind the midnight velvet of his lips. That he spoke took a moment to register. Oh. A shifter, then, like Aodhán on the beach. A cat hiding a horse at it's heart. That's what she hoped, and what made the most sense to the sea mare. 

    And just like Aodhán, this shifter seemed to make no concession for manners. Perhaps that was simply the way with such creatures. The pearly woman grinned sardonic at the lazing creature, eyes glinting through the steam of her bath. "Well, if you can't do something well, it should at least be done with enthusiasm." She shrugged, a little amused. Shrieking? That was a first, perhaps such big cats had especially sensitive ears. That, or he was just a trigger fish, apt to strike just for the sake of striking. She was finding she had little patience for the type.

    With her swimming gait, the nereid walked to the edge of the river. It was cold away from the water she had warmed, crystal droplets falling away from her scales in a soft dripdripdripping. Steam rose from her back as she climbed the bank, eyes never leaving the black cat perched on the clay. 

    A feisty grin split her pink lips as she neared, only to pause feet away. With no further warning, her body twisted and quaked with abandon, shaking vigorously and sending a spray of glittering droplets up and out to fall back to the earth. If a few managed to make it so far as her voyeur, well, perhaps it served him right. 

    A sigh of satisfaction exhaled in a puff of mist, her expression daring as she looked the huge feline closer. He was a lovely thing, from an aesthetic point of view. All steely muscle cloaked in rich black fur. His slit pupiled eyes almost glowed from within. Those heavy paws, she knew instinctively, hid claws of enormous power. A perfect predator. And he dared to disturb her bath. 

    "You know it's not very nice to spy on ladies when they're bathing. One might think you were up to no good." She scolded, throaty voice hardly higher than a whisper. If he had such sensitive hearing, then surely he'd have no trouble hearing her now. Not when she stood so close. 


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    RE: She sells seashells by the sea shore // Laura pony - by Aquaria - 11-17-2019, 12:41 PM

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