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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma

    Hurricane had long ago come to the conclusion that ambition is for the young. Had long ago realized that whatever changes you might make upon the world in your brief span of influence would, inevitably, fade and be forgotten. He had watched as the sea swallowed his home. Had watched as his every dream and hope and desire had been eaten by a power he could never hope to match.

    And in the time that followed, he had grown to understand just how fleeting and forgettable it truly was. He had known and forgotten so many. In the end, their influence had not truly changed a thing. In the end, his kingdom had been wiped away as though it had never been. He doubts there was anyone here who would remember him either. Even memory of the Tundra would one day fade, until, when mentioned in casual conversation, they may ask “What Tundra?”

    It’s inevitable.

    Were he a younger man, he might have moved forward. Might have gone on to claim one of these new lands as home. Might have moved himself to do something more with his life. But he is not of this world. He never had been. In all likelihood, he should have been swept away with the old kingdom’s, an ancient and forgotten relic.

    But Beqanna, cruel in her kindness, had seen fit to save him, worthless as he may now be.

    He half expects her to leave then. His blunt words are uninspiring. Perhaps he had left the door cracked, but there is certainly no inviting light to shine through. No, that light had died long ago. Instead, she surprises him. Instead, she stays. Not just stays, but everything about her seems to liven in the wake of his brusque statement.

    His eyes rise to meet hers as she laughs, brows furrowing into an unamused, and faintly confused, scowl. He hadn’t expected humor. Nor had he expected her sudden declaration claiming he had helped her.

    Perhaps he had grown too old now to understand modern humor.

    He says nothing as she continues, dark eyes flinty and fixed as he stares at her uncomprehendingly. Her promise to help him whether he likes it or not stirs no reaction from him. Indeed, he’s not entirely certain how he should react. He’s never before had anyone so abruptly attempt to declare themselves his savior. Of course, she would likely come to realize he is far beyond redemption. He simply hasn’t the energy to care anymore.

    When finally she asks his name, he stares at her a moment longer before grunting, “Hurricane.”

    quiet now, you're gonna wake the beast

    hide your soul out of his reach


    Apparently confused Hurricane just stares stupidly, lmaooooo

    Messages In This Thread
    Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Hurricane - 07-26-2019, 03:51 PM
    RE: Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Ilma - 07-27-2019, 08:32 AM
    RE: Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Ilma - 08-09-2019, 07:10 AM
    RE: Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Ilma - 08-29-2019, 11:10 AM
    RE: Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Hurricane - 09-18-2019, 03:12 PM
    RE: Soldier keep on marching on; Ilma - by Ilma - 10-23-2019, 02:59 AM

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