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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  B l o o d f e a t h e r || Lepis, Aten ||
    "You blatantly underestimate us."

    Irony, in every sense of the word. Wolfbane's arrogance was starting to irritate Aten, but the golden stallion continued to listen to both horses speak with very little if any at all reaction. The offer they were proposing that Aten stay here to be a champion for Taiga, in line to take command once again if they decided to step down, was tempting, if only so the golden king could for sure remain here in Taiga.

    But was he willing to give up a responsibility handed down to him for something that was of absolutely no guarantee? It was easy enough for any horse to go back on their word, no matter how strong their moral characteristics were. Hell, Aten's sire had done it a number of times, and his siblings had too no doubt.

    He had already made a vow to not follow in their hoofsteps, so whatever answer he ended up giving to Wolfbane and Lepis, he wanted to make sure it was something he would not live to regret.

    Again, Wolfbane vaguely threatened Aten, stating nothing would get in their way to take over Taiga's land. He expressed his preference, not quite a wish, for Aten to stay and watch over Taiga with them. Lepis went on to continue, stating much of the same Wolfbane did, while adding in what she thought was necessary. Based on how these two had spoken, Aten had determined the mare to be more of the brains, the 'deceiving thinker', of the pair. He could pinpoint Wolfbane as an actor of brute strength and mind during battle. Diplomat, he doubted as much when Lepis could just do it herself.

    So, in terms of verbal compliance, he'd have to watch what he said as long as she was near.

    Aten eyed the mare and stallion for a few more silent minutes, his chest calmly rising and falling to help him keep his cool. His breath flaring from his nostrils pooled in a light layer of mist brought on by the fog surrounding them before dissipating into the wind as if it never existed. His eyes were cool, calculating, his mind racing to try and figure out what number of options he had out of this situation.

    Sadly, he had only two. Take the more foolish route and adamantly refuse to even consider anything they were saying, or play it smart. The second option was of course preferable considering the position Taiga was in; a recovering kingdom called home by four residents, three horses and a falcon. A kingdom that was rebuilding, but needed more time.

    It certainly didn't need a hostile takeover like this, especially not if it put Aten's friends in danger. Particularly Lethia, who he had grown fond of as a friend, and Misfit, who he'd come to see almost as a younger brother due to their age difference.

    What would he... no, what should he do? Aten's pride was also on the line here, but he could care less about that if he didn't have any need to use it. What pride was there in offering a challenge he could more than likely lose? He didn't have any mystical gifts beyond his shared mind with Turul. True, the bird could be quite useful in combat himself, but Aten, a non-gifted, up against a war king and queen who could both fly and had who knows what else other abilities?

    If Aten wasn't considered dumb before for not taking that into account, he sure as hell was now.

    The stallion closed his eyes for another minute, sensing that, perhaps, this was the wrong move to make. But this was something he needed to do, and, if need be, he could always escalate matters should someone not comply.

    Standing tall, he spoke to both Wolfbane and Lepis, "As you said upon your arrival, you do not wish to shed blood. I'm fairly certain that forcing you to take the kingdom from my hooves throguh battle would bring exactly that, something I wish to avoid as well. But this is not a decision to be taken lightly, no matter what position I may be put in by your offer.

    "You say also that you wish for me to stay here, to continue watching over Taiga and remain in line for the throne upon your decision to step down. How exactly do I know that is true? You have heirs, do you not? Who is to say you will not choose to hand it down to them and go back on your word? How long until you decide I am not worth keeping around if I prove to not be pulling my weight, or until my words go against yours and you kick me out for insubordination? And what of my friends, those I love? Will you threaten them if I do not fulfill your requests as Taiga's protector? And why now do you choose to act upon your wishes to take over my home when I was only recently handed the mantle of king?"

    The golden stallion took a step back and turned his head away, "Lepis, despite your patience wearing thin, I would appreciate if you allow me to accept Wolfbane's offer and consider this matter on my own. I will come to a decision that will, in good spirits, benefit everyone. I am not one to turn away strangers unless they exhibit violence towards Taiga and her residents. You are welcome to stay here, and I will find you to give you an answer. Until then, I would prefer to be left alone."

    Turning his back on the pair, Aten disappeared into the mist as easily as he had come, retreating back into the forest to mull over his options.

    @[Wolfbane] @[Lepis]

    OOC: So while obviously out of character this isn't a huge thrill for me, I'm interested to see where this storyline will go. I will do a new thread fairly soon here for Aten to give a decision to Wolfbane and Lepis, I do want him to think over it himself in character too. If you'd rather something else happen in this thread, by all means, feel free, but I wanted to let you know of this.

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    RE: B l o o d f e a t h e r || Lepis, Aten || - by Aten - 06-18-2019, 10:06 PM

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