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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will you rail against your dying day; isilya

    Although the trick is similar to the one that Isilya had just done, the gold-pointed mare’s eyes widen and a soft, appreciative gasp escapes her as she watches Leliana’s wings shift before her eyes. They were beautiful before, but she’s just mesmerized by the redwood and moss appearance of them now. She feels a little jealous, though the vines and wisteria of her own suit her so well.

    Calm Leliana has soothing effect on Isilya but it ebbs and flows as it wrestles with her enthusiasm about meeting another who can weave magic with plants, and just the pure ecstasy she’s feeling now that she’s talking to someone else of flesh and blood. She didn’t know how much she missed it, how much she needed it! But she’s trying not to go overboard, to not fidget and pace with the building excitement growing within her.

    So she focuses all her might on the words that pass between them, nodding along to Leliana’s observation that she had not met another like them before. “Neither have I.” Isilya’s not sure whether it says something that she hasn’t - sure, she’s almost 24 years old but she spent so much of that time lost in the forest, losing herself as she spent time as a tree and whatever other shapes spoke to her in that hazy, forgotten time. She doesn’t feel any older than two, still feels the youthful enthusiasm that encouraged her to explore beyond the world she was born into.

    So maybe it’s not really that impressive she hasn’t met another plant magician in all her years, since she has not spent any time looking for one.

    “Magic seemed to be quite all over the place in Beqanna when I last left, in all shapes and forms, but I’m glad that we’re still unique.” Her green-and-gold eyes are shining, mind racing trying to come up with something good, something interesting, to keep this gorgeous Leliana here. Isilya isn’t ready to give up on company, especially not someone so like herself!

    “What’s the most fun you’ve had with it?”

    She assumes, not knowing any better, that Leliana has had this magic her whole life - that she’s experimented and played with it, tested the boundaries of her powers and of her imagination.


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    RE: will you rail against your dying day; isilya - by Isilya - 05-24-2019, 01:51 PM

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