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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    in every lost soul the bones of a miracle; amet

    Amet mirrors Kensa's laughter as the sound of her children in the distance reaches his pricked ears. It reminds him of Takhar, though it's been years now since he had heard his eldest son playing in Hyaline with Gypsy and Dante. It's a bittersweet reminder of his own age. He'd been only two years old the day he had claimed Hyaline for himself and his sister, and now here he stands eleven years later. Takhar is full grown with his own mate and own children. Makhai has reached young adulthood (this brings a twinge of sadness to the dragonhide stallion; he had not had the chance to know his son with Eione the way he had raised and knew Takhar). But he wouldn't change this, his return to Hyaline, for the world.

    The pair of Primarchs settle beside each other on the shore, comfortably, and Amet gives the painted woman a nod in the affirmative. "Something about Hyaline begs me to wake up early, I think." He grins good-naturedly, his molten amber eyes settling on Kensa, "I've just never been able to get enough of it. The lake, the blossoming trees, the safety of it all..." His sentence trails off into a quiet, contented sigh and the silence lingers beneath them for a few long moments before the woman beside him is pulled back into the present.

    He laughs gently and shrugs off her apology happily. "Ah, no need to apologize. It's easy to be pulled into so many different directions in this role." He gives her an enthusiastic nod, his eyes brightening at the mention of being home. "More than anything."

    His ears pivot instinctively, an involuntary reaction due to the chirping birds who flit overhead and the sound of Kensa's children in the distance, before mulling over what aspects of himself might be exciting enough to share with his newest companion and partner on the throne. "I can't promise that I'm all that interesting, but..." he smiles sheepishly at her before cocking a hind hoof and gently resting the tip of it in the soft loam beneath him.

    "I was two years old when I originally founded Hyaline, but have traveled much since then. I have two sons, Takhar and Makhai. Both are full grown and are living their lives out in the world. My best friend, Jah-Lilah, will most likely be here soon. I look forward to you meeting her." He pauses then, smiling involuntarily. "I'm hoping she will eventually be more than that, if I may be so candid. And what of yourself, Kensa? Kagerus said you and Litotes...?"

    ─ don't get cut on my edges

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    RE: in every lost soul the bones of a miracle; amet - by Amet - 02-28-2019, 10:10 PM

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