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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz:
    1. Ok, so what did you do this weekend?
     Yesterday, my wife and I FINALLY caught up with my mom to celebrate Christmas/New Year's and to catch up. We live an hour away from each other (we met half-way) and, it is like pulling teeth to coordinate our once-per-year get together. After lunch, we did some cleaning around the house, made dinner at home then, drove into the city for a surprise birthday party for a friend. Yes, he was surprised! Today, I worked but, it was painfully slow.

    2. Imagine you are making a BQ quest: What is it about? What are the prizes? Explain yourself.
    Hmm, I have been contemplating putting a quest together. I have a couple of ideas. One of which would entail your horse navigating a series of escape rooms. Not sure if I would go psycho like the movie but, if players want to subject their chars to torture, that could be arranged with defects. Prizes would include a unique marking to all and a 1 or 0 space trait to the winner? I haven't hashed out all the details.

    3. What are 3 things that you love about your own writing? Why?
    I love
    1. my use of language - color, texture, adjectives, etc. I try to paint as vivid of a picture as I can.
    2. how I incorporate what my chars are thinking/feeling. I try to convey emotion - and not just in speech or facial expressions. I try to incorporate my char's entire body language.
    3. my eagerness to throw chars into plots and meet new faces/face new challenges. It helps to constantly shape my chars and, helps both them and me grow.

    4. What are 3 things that you love about other people’s (can be in general or specifics)  writing, and why?
    1. Humor. I love how each of your chars have quirks and I love how you convey their feelings/thoughts in your prose.
    2. Variety. Everyone focuses on something different when writing. Some choose to hone in on details of the scene or environment; some describe their char's world through that char's thoughts/opinions. No two posts are alike and all of your words keep me interested and yearning for more.
    3. Original. I love how each player makes their chars their own. Sure, you draw inspiration from other chars and places but, you make your char your own.

    5. What are 3 things that you think other people (in general, obviously not specific people because we’re all perfect) can do to improve their writing?
    1. Expand their language. Challenge yourself to use new words. Different words. Find synonyms. Use color.
    2. Use emotion. Convey it not just in thoughts or speech. Portray it in your char's behavior, body position, and mannerisms.
    3. Continue to grow. Do what you need to better develop your char. Put them into uncomfortable situations and help bring them to multi-dimensional life. 

    6. Please fill in the blank with the most appropriate response: “If it’s free, I’m:________.”
    If it's free, I'm in!

    7. What is your favourite book of all time, or right now? Why?
    The Harry Potter series. I can read it over and over again. I relive the magic each time. I can relate to all of the characters in one way or another. I love every facet of the storyline and feel everything J.K. Rowling's characters feel.

    8. What is your dream pet?
    A horse trained to the level of Olympic dressage. Mare, gelding or stallion. Any color. Choreographed freestyle display of the horse and rider bond.

    That or a dog trained using Harry Potter spells/phrases. I wonder which one is more likely, haha.

    9. What is your favourite BQ story right now? Like, plot or otherwise.
    I am ashamed to say that I have not paid close attention to what is going on with other chars/in other lands.

    10. Which character (your own) are you most proud of? Why?
    Jesper. Fully-fleshed out character with a lot of heart and a lot of spunk. Pretty much writes himself and is so much fun.

    11. Which character (your own) are you least proud of? Why?
    Juice. I have not given him enough of my attention to develop him and help him grow.

    12. If you could have your whole life subsidized by one person’s lottery winning, and that wonderful person brought everyone together to live in a giant mansion with everything you’ve ever wanted inside and maybe even a food court, would you be okay with that mansion having a computer lab for writing posts? Please explain your answer if it’s wrong.
    I see nothing wrong with a computer lab for writing posts . After all, this wonderful person wanted to build a home with everything I have ever wanted, right? I would, of course, be extremely and outwardly, grateful.

    13. If hands horse was alive on BQ what do you think he/she/they would do with his/her/their life?
    Give lots of rounds of applause!

    14. What do you think is in the officers lounge? If you’re an officer please tell us one thing (real or not real) that is in the officers lounge.
    A list. A naughty and nice list that sorts all BQ members.

    15. What is one thing about you that no one knows?
    I am adopted and, it is the best thing that ever happened to my brother and I.

    16. What do you want to do when you grow up?
    Manage and own my own horse farm so my horses can live as horses should live - without so much human interference.

    17. Where is your ULTIMATE vacation spot (that you’ve been to or want to go to) and why?
    New Zealand. We went there o our honeymoon and it is amazing. Australia is pretty fantastic, as well though I wish we saw more of it.

    18. What is your favourite BQ trait and why?
    I love any of the healing traits because they each come from a place of such love.

    19. What is one cool thing about someone else’s character that you recently learned about?
    Hmm, perhaps not recent but, I really love Kagerus and her dream manipulation. I love how she can do so many things such as change her own appearance, bring a char from one place to another and, really stretch concepts/ideas to new levels. It is so creative.

    20. Write and answer your own very nice question here. Explain your answer.
    Why isn't splash posting? Because splash is having fun answering this quiz!!
    Jesper | Juice | Velk

    Messages In This Thread
    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by Nev - 01-13-2019, 03:10 PM
    RE: A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by splash - 01-13-2019, 11:02 PM

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