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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz:
    Ok, so what did you do this weekend?
    Wow, thank you for asking. I spent a good amount of time watching Jersey Shore because I’m a despicable human being. Other than that I cleaned the house, played/fed/cleaned my bb bean, and picked out paint for our kitchen cabinets and bought a cute wooden table/storage thing for all the toys that are now always in my living room. I was supposed to write posts but I did not do that.

    Imagine you are making a BQ quest: What is it about? What are the prizes? Explain yourself.
    Okay, so it is a space and planets quest because I think the solar system is god damn magical. The prizes are like a comet tail or wacky ring trait thing, like Saturn or something idek. OR it’s a dream quest and the prizes correlate to what each person writes about. IE.) Glassheart is always referencing mermaids because Spyndle and Cordis are life, so she gets some kind of mermaid thing.

    What are 3 things that you love about your own writing? Why?
    1. I like to write in a google doc and make everything times new roman size 11 and then left aligned, and then I write everything out with italics or whatever and I just love how it LOOKS when it’s done. Like it LOOKS nice, regardless of content. 2. I love my toothbrush metaphor 3. I don’t know this question is hard.

    What are 3 things that you love about other people’s (can be in general or specifics)  writing, and why?
    1. I really love when someone just KNOWS their character inside and out. I’m not great at that and sometimes I get stuck so I really admire that in other people’s writing. 2. THE DETAIL. Oh my god some of the posts I read are just so full of detail it feels like you’re there. Like, sights, sounds, smells, etc. So good. 3. I love seeing the different styles of everyone’s writing. I always want to try out new things after reading other people’s posts.

    What are 3 things that you think other people (in general, obviously not specific people because we’re all perfect) can do to improve their writing?
    This one is hard, too, so I’m going to use things that I struggle with. 1. Know your character, because it adds so much depth and substance when you do. 2. Don’t be afraid to post. Every post doesn’t need to be immaculate. Typos are okay. This is fun and practice and not on your resume. 3. READ. READ SO MUCH.

    Please fill in the blank with the most appropriate response: “If it’s free, I’m:________.”
    Eating it

    What is your favourite book of all time, or right now? Why?
    I suck at this. I like to pretend my favourite books are classical but honestly it’s like anything YA. The cheesier the better. Like there should be a love triangle.

    What is your dream pet?
    A pig! I love pigs, and piglets. They’re wild smart and rubbery pink, how can you lose? I would want to keep him in the house and his name is probably Hamlet or Stanford, because I think both are good.

    What is your favourite BQ story right now? Like, plot or otherwise.
    I’m not going to lie I am totally sucked into the Vuleli drama. So that’s good. As a whole the contagion plot is wicked cool because everyone’s just got their own thing going right now.

    Which character (your own) are you most proud of? Why?
    I think I’m going to go with Phasus, just because she’s so wildly different from any other character I’ve ever played before. Most of my girls are meek/soft/romantic which is fine but Phasus is just gritty and bad and sexual and a coward and I’m living for it.

    Which character (your own) are you least proud of? Why?
    So many that I’m just not clicking with that I really want to click with. I need to play all my beautiful new babies. I need to get Glassheart together again (sorry Cordis!!!! Sad ).

    If you could have your whole life subsidized by one person’s lottery winning, and that wonderful person brought everyone together to live in a giant mansion with everything you’ve ever wanted inside and maybe even a food court, would you be okay with that mansion having a computer lab for writing posts? Please explain your answer if it’s wrong.
    Wow this sounds reasonable and generous. I think this would foster a true sense of community and beggars can’t be choosers YOU WRETCHES.

    If hands horse was alive on BQ what do you think he/she/they would do with his/her/their life?
    High fives for days. I think he/she/they would be very good at swimming maybe. Maybe they’d swim a lot. Maybe they’d pick berries. I think whatever they chose to do they wouldn’t need a hand with it.

    What do you think is in the officers lounge? If you’re an officer please tell us one thing (real or not real) that is in the officers lounge.
    I think they have an DOTY (Dummy of the year) competition for the dumb things that we say. Like I probably win this year for thinking gourds were ancient pottery.

    What is one thing about you that no one knows?
    Oh my god there’s one thing but I’m taking it to my grave it’s so embarrassing.

    What do you want to do when you grow up?
    An adult. I have no idea. There’s so many things I would maybe want to do but are just out of reach. I’d love to own a business. It would be so cool to have a riding stable, or like a cute boutique thing. I would take writing a book but I’m horrible at plotting. Venge plot for me.

    Where is your ULTIMATE vacation spot (that you’ve been to or want to go to) and why?
    GREECE. It’s beautiful, and I love the history and I want to see Pompeii. I am worried about all the stray pets that I’ll want to bring home and feed.

    What is your favourite BQ trait and why?
    I don’t know many of them honestly, but I think Kingslay’s summer manipulation is so cool because it just has a wide range of weird things that he can do. And Kora’s winter manipulation, and Noori… basically all of the seasonal ones - neato!

    What is one cool thing about someone else’s character that you recently learned about?
    That Giodhe’s name is g-o-d spelled out because Insane is a wizard.

    Write and answer your own very nice question here. Explain your answer.
    What is your favourite number? SEVEN. Because it’s the perfect number. It looks nice as a word and as a number. Seven SEVEN 7. It’s always the number I will choose if someone asks me to choose it.

    Messages In This Thread
    A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by Nev - 01-13-2019, 03:10 PM
    RE: A not-long-not-short, normal BQ quiz: - by Nev - 01-13-2019, 06:48 PM

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