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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    this time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face
    search in these eyes: there’s still fire in the darkness

    She couldn't help but be surprised when he did indeed fall in step with her. Really, nobody but Reilly ever really wanted to be around her. It was baffling, but also easily explained away by the fact that he clearly didn't remember her. And now she was the one with the answers and that was all he wanted from her.

    It didn't make her heart any calmer though, to have a gorgeous guy walking at her side as if it was completely normal. Everyone hated her. She was so disliked. This was so strange. And stressful. And too easily enjoyable. She blushed and kept her eyes off him.

    "I didn't like you?" he asked, clearly confused which was a little baffling too except for that memory issue and all. "Why? You seem pleasant enough. That doesn't make sense." She nearly missed the last part for barking out a laugh so loudly, startled and, god, she couldn't even imagine someone would ever say that about her.

    "I must've been a damn fool," he admitted and she sucked in a quiet breath and blushed, glancing at him. He hadn't meant it like that, it's fine. Just a comment freely given, not that he found her at all attractive. Nobody ever found her at all attractive. Except of course Reilly, as always. "I'm sorry."

    She looked at him again, found herself blushing deeper at the genuine softening of his perfectly sculpted face. Ugh, she should not be the type to blush, but really she had only had one man a total of twice in her entire life and only held the interest of one other that was damn determined to pull her out of her isolation. Nobody else had ever shown her real attraction or even half-interest.

    Woolf sort of didn't count. If she remembered right, she'd sort of threw herself at him, as completely embarrassing as that was. She'd been lost in memories, though. So.

    But anyway.

    Tiphon wasn't attracted to her in the least and she was being ridiculous. She knew it. And she remained quiet as he thought deeper, trying to grasp at his ever-slippery memories. God, he looked so down and defeated after he explained he couldn't remember much of anything. Mostly just darkness. And a command to be the light in it all. Well, that made sense at least. He'd always been doing good when the world turns on its head.

    "You'll do wonderfully, Tiphon," she said with a glancing smile that was probably almost completely genuine. Smiles were difficult and rare. And Magical beings seemed pretty helpful and he was pretty magical. And she was pretty not, and completely useless. "You always have." Done wonderfully, she meant.

    "What do you plan for the Island? You have healers, you said? That will help. What else do you plan?"


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    RE: Wallace; - by Tiphon - 11-30-2018, 10:22 AM
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    RE: Wallace; - by Tiphon - 12-10-2018, 06:32 PM
    RE: Wallace; - by Wallace - 12-15-2018, 11:04 PM

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