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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    One foot toward the gallows || Titus ||

    My dreams have all come true

    To Wolfbane’s faint surprise, his acolyte seems equal parts business and adventurous about the proposed trip.


    It wasn’t too small of a matter when you thought about it. Leaving the Pampas meant leaving the certainty of protection, facing an undetectable enemy. With Noah here they at least had the promise of healing, should either of them encounter the plague, but a journey was still risky no matter which angle you viewed it from. If worse came to worse, it could cost them their lives.

    Bane snorts agreeably at first, glad that they both seem to be of the same mind on the issue of how suffocatingly perfect their little prison-home was. He highly doubted that this place could be contested for its natural beauty during the springtime or gentle summer, and even in the late throes of a bitter winter the land gave off an air of “idyllic eden”, but that’s what made it such a hard pill to swallow every now and then. Intrinsically, the elder stallion was a flawed character. He needed the imperfection and oddity of Loess, missed it … the craggy hills and cross-cross streams just fit him better.

    “I have all the places in mind.” Wolfbane replies casually, displacing his neatly tucked wings with the roll of his hindquarters in order to find a comfortable stance. “I’m more interested in getting a clear idea of what each area looks like, since I doubt we’re the only kingdom affected by a new … growth.” He smirks. This seems a good enough explanation to him, so he shuffles once more and ambles past @[Titus], taking the lead. It isn’t until he launches himself skyward in a few, powerful swipes that he’s struck by a sudden realization: they’ll have to adjust to one another’s speed.

    What he figured would be a day-long excursion could tip into a possible overnight stay, in one of the new territories.

    Straining, his pale wings arc in wide, oval gusts of motion, helping the gold-and-blue horse to gain altitude before they flare apart and hold, steadfast. The action levels him out, allowing Bane to coast at (what he believes to be) an appropriate height. Just high enough to not be suspicious, and just close enough to get a general idea of what they were looking at. He leaves Titus to manage on his own in the meantime, glancing back over one outstretched appendage to pinpoint the male as he himself glides across the eastern shore of Pampas, out over the wide bay of seawater. “Is there any place in particular you’d like to stop at?” The drake calls out, hoping he won’t have to shout over the wind the entire trip, “Anyone you’d like to look for or meet up with while we’re out?”

    Like all good nightmares do

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

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    RE: One foot toward the gallows || Titus || - by Wolfbane - 11-13-2018, 11:09 AM

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