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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    the blight of man, the shame of the divine; any

    that's all there is

    Quietly, as if she is a red-tinged shadow, the little mare follows her newly met acquaintances over to the larger group, hazel eyes assessing, curious but reserved. She knows now of the great tension between the two Kingdoms joined to this little haven, and though she knows none of the players very well, even she has heard stories of what might live in Sylva – she is, after all, a child of Beqanna even if she has never declared loyalty to any of its principalities. To this end, and because she has already given her loyalty (at least as a healer and non-challenger) to Wolfbane, the mare positions herself at first behind and just to the side of the gold-and-blue stallion, on the side not already taken by Lepis.

    At first, she just listens. Wolfbane is succinct and matter-of-fact; qualities she supposes are excellent in one who is a leader. Sinner, standing beside the gray stallion she has inferred must be the leader of Sylva, does not confer her with the same level of instant trust as Wolfbane had; thus, at least for now, she is quite sure that she has made the right choice. Lepis follows up with a firm stance that backs Wolfbane’s, and Noah shifts uneasily at the strain between Arthas and Wolfbane, Arthas and Lepis. The roan mare hesitates, sidles closer to Wolfbane out of sheer instinct, but after taking a deep breath she shores up her bravery and steps forward, beside the two of them (Wolfbane and Lepis) instead of behind them.

    “I am the healer, and I stand with Wolfbane.” She looks at Arthas, at Sinner; her voice is whisper-soft, but it still has a core of stone. “If you wish to have access to my services for your people, you will cede your claim to Kingship in the South to Wolfbane, and retreat to Sylva as a herd or a subkingdom. That is the way to keep your people safe.“ She lets her eyes drift to Sinner, the only one standing behind Arthas, and adds: “If that’s really what you want.” There’s more than a hint of doubt in her voice, and it hangs in the air between them even when the sound of her voice has faded.


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    RE: the blight of man, the shame of the divine; any - by Noah - 11-03-2018, 10:33 PM

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