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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I kept my hope just like I hoped to // magnus/levi

    I kept my hope just like i'd hoped to
    then sang to the sea for feelings deep blue

    The boy doesn't have to wait long to be found out - and when he recognizes the face attached to the dusty golden figure approaching, this fact ceases to surprise him. Ever since that day in the field when they'd converged upon the lovely Kensa together, Rhae has known the ancient stallion to be something of a god when it comes to kingdom business; the fact that he'd walked away with the recruit spoke only to his cuteness, and definitely not to his skill.

    He couldn't even talk, for fucks sakes.

    This fact causes his lips to tug down at the corners momentarily, displeasure at his disability unfortunately obvious. But he sweeps the expression away hastily, exchanging it for one of youthful abandon; the wind grabs at his ashen locks, sweeping them across his face and around eyes which now appeared more grounded and knowing than they might have before. Though trauma is yet to enter the boy's life, something of a grown up air floats around him; it is as such that he greets Magnus.

    Hi there. Rhae offers a slight tilt of his head in deference, not blinking as he studies the impressively built stallion. When he comes close to press himself to Rhae, the prince returns the gesture without hesitation; physicality is his primary form of communication. Brotherly to the end, his mouth finds the slope of Magnus' shoulder, pressing there firmly to demonstrate his pleasant feelings of finding him here until the other pulls away.

    He mentions a triviality, one Rhae has no way of answering. Instead, he tosses his well shaped head towards the second stallion who chooses to approach; a handsome sabino, with the smell of the dead on him.

    With a curious glance to Magnus, Rhae tosses his head once more and approaches the other. This stallion he does not move to greet as intimately as he did Magnus; a deep-seated anxiety surrounding stallions still lives within the prince, what with his having been raised by two mares. He's just not as comfortable around them. But as adulthood tightened its grasp on Rhaegor, he came to better control his feelings; as such, he stops before Levi, gaze stoic and jaw firmly set.


    @[magnus] @[Levi]
    [Image: rhae]

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    RE: I kept my hope just like I hoped to // magnus/levi - by Rhaegor - 10-27-2018, 11:44 PM

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