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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Come to your river (( Hod )) (private)
    There’s no chill inside the house but Hod’s seaworthy fingers manage to send shivers throughout Nyxa’s body. Just the thought of him there and a tease against the budding swell of her breasts rouses goosebumps, along with a gasping sigh and arched back. How silly of her to think he might not want to water their garden again … clearly her man was a storm intent on bursting any moment.

    They wander outside to feel the brush of salt air and breath in the scents of a maritime coast, dark carpets of sea grass waving them along with the bend of the sidewalk. Confident now that walls and obstacles are few and far between, Hod tucks his wife into the crook of his shoulder and she smiles, winding a free palm up and over his clothed stomach and chest. Even covered, the hard build of a man who spent his life on the ocean felt evident enough to her. Years of handling rigging on boats, casting nets, traps, and swimming (nothing deterred him; sometimes Nyxa felt he was unburdened by the open space of a dark sea) had accrued a washboard stomach.

    It seemed impossible that she would ever get enough of him.

    Nyxa sighed to feel the cement change to sand, that last bit of disconnect from the earth gone and taking her worries with it. Her eyes traveled over the undulating beach into the water, faintly lit by a clear sky and high, half-crescent moon. “Incredible to think how far we’ve come and how far we’ve yet to go.” The mermaid woman contemplated with a smile, craning her neck around to see a vision instead of her husband.

    Every angle and cut line seemed to glow, accentuated by the tumble of dark hair that veiled his shoulders. He took her breath away, simply, and left her quivering with a mixture of hot desire and tingling anticipation. She could feel it in between her thighs plainly, and she doesn’t want to fight it. “Hod!” Her senses rang out in alarm, watching him break stride to fall upon his knees. No matter how many times she’d seen him do this, (and she knew better now than to worry or sound overly alarmed) it still felt as if she was the one being hurt. His pain was hers to bear as well, from a lifetime spent loving him so deeply.

    The stance - with one hand slithering up her thigh - reminded her of something though. She’d seen him down like this before when he’d proposed, and then again when he’d slipped a lacy garter off her leg at their wedding reception. Memories still bright and warm enough to send her sinking down into the ground with him. “I’m thinking we won’t make it for a swim.” His mate teases, easing her fingers over his cheeks to brush the hair away from his eyes. Hungry for action, Nyxa’s mouth covers his, the fire on her tongue breaching his lips until she can taste him and twine their silver breath together. Again her back arches, pressing the womanly curves of her form into the hard planes of his body before she can break contact to whisper, “I’m thinking of how badly I want you right now.”

    As if to prove her words, one slim hand glides down and cups his manhood. Nyxa smirks, kisses his cheek again. “And I’m thinking how nice it would be to carry your child again.” She offers with a heart thundering in her chest. The spandex front of her bathing top has gone awry in her eagerness, exposing both her hard nipples but she doesn’t care. He’s had all of her many times over and the beach in off-season is theirs alone.

    Her knees tremble. “Hod …”

    @[Hod] ok so not the novel it started out as bc I’m never satisfied and had to delete unnecessary crap but here it is, hot n’ready Big Grin

    Messages In This Thread
    Come to your river (( Hod )) (private) - by Nyxa - 10-07-2018, 01:46 PM
    RE: Come to your river (( Hod )) (private) - by Nyxa - 10-21-2018, 11:56 AM

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