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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  This Beast Inside of Me | Dovev (Private)
    For those of you who follow Zoryn (if there are any aside from Sam and Toli), this thread is set in time after he and Dizzy had their discussion. Around time Dizzy is attacked by Raelynx, or just before.

    Angry. He is so goddamned angry he could explode with it. He is like a storm as he crashes through the Forest; his mind flashing memories like lightning, his heart like booming thunder, hooves striking the ground like a pelting rain. Nothing is safe as he passes. Birds abandon their perches as he shoulders branches of trees. Other small animals skitter from his path. None of it is enough. There is only one thing he needs right now. Release. And there is only one other who could give that to him. The beast within drives him further, wilder, feeding off of his rage and flashing its fangs in the dark of his mind. Echoing his need. Oh, he wishes at times he could release the monster. How easy, he thinks, it would be to give in and lose control of himself. Let it go to destroy, rend and tear and eat.. He only fears how much it would take. Getting it back in its cage. It very well could destroy everything, even himself.

    Hell, maybe that wouldn't be so bad, he muses as he hunts. He begins to wonder what all he even has anymore. He'd fucked things up so bad with Dizzy. His fault. He should have known, should have recognized the signs, should have addressed it sooner. He wants to fix it, but at this point he knows what that's going to take, and fuck. He just isn't sure he can handle that. Always, throughout their childhood, it'd been just the two of them and their silly, twisted games. Teaching each other how good physical pain could be. How high it could take them above reality and away from bullshit that could hurt them deeper, below what the physical pain could reach. That precise kind of pain that he needs right now. Release and escape from the roil of anger and frustration, and deep-seated inner hurt that eats away at him. It was his fault. Dammit, he didn't know finding one person could do so much damage. Zoryn himself had found Dovev. Brought the bone-plaited bastard into their lives. It was only supposed to be for fun! But the bastard had changed them. Both of them. And his Dizzy isn't just his anymore.

    His fault. He'd brought this on himself. It was selfishness and hopeful ignorance that had made him believe this last year without Dov in their lives was better. Diz gave birth to twin beautiful baby girls, and damn how he loves them. Would do anything for them. Had made sure they always knew it. But their mother.... How could she say she doesn't feel anything for them?! Those words burn in his mind. He can handle her not loving him the same way he does for her, but the girls! Fuck, they deserve better than that. Never in his life had he thought he would enjoy being a father. The thought had wracked him with worry and fear while she was pregnant. But once he saw their beautiful faces.. when they opened their eyes and met his anxious gaze.. He was a goner. Lost and changed forever. He just can't believe she'd said she can't love them the same.. And all because of another. Because of Dovev.

    He'd hurt her, he knows. When he said what he had to her. Agreeing she was being like Mom. But she was! All through their childhood, they'd needed their mother. But the wretch was too wrapped up in their twisted father to pay them any mind, leaving them to find love and fulfill their needs themselves. They'd vowed not to be like them, ever. To be better. Well, he's holding up his end as best he can. But now, he isn't sure he can do it alone. He needs her, and they need her too. But she... Fuck, he hates admitting it.. She needs Dovev, said she'd fallen for him, and godDAMNit, if that's what she needs to be happy, Zor is just going to have to live with it. But he needs her to be better soon, before she stops being able to pretend to care for their girls.

    Their girls. All three of them had made those precious babies in one disastrous night. Born together, Zynnie was his and Dizzy's, but Zoe- she is Dov's. He'd never admitted the knowledge aloud before, not til the other night with Dizzy. But they both knew, how could they not. Her dazzling eyes are a dead giveaway. Dark, near black with stars dancing within. Didn't matter to him, though. Both of those girls now share huge chunks of his heart. They're his in every way that count, and would always remain that way. If he could do anything about it, long as he lives. Zor didn't want Dov around them- still doesn't- and had been perfectly happy with the fact the bastard had gone and left them to whatever kind of life he'd found elsewhere. But he was a damned blind fool to ignore that Dov had a more lasting effect on Diz. Damn him, tearing them apart without even trying.

    So here he is now, hunting in the place where he and the bony prick had clashed many a time before. To find him and give him a piece of his damned mind. First, they would have it out together. It is long overdue, their reunion. And then he would send him back to Dizzy. Much as he hates the idea, he loves his sister more. More than he should, perhaps, but that is his fault too. He could take it, he tries to convince himself. What he can't take is the void that had been created in her. The emptiness in her eyes, and the joylessness in her when she touches him. He would do anything for his family. Even this.


    When eyes of brown and amethyst find their target, everything ceases. Everything but the beat of his heart and the breaths coming slightly fast from his rapid gait. His head lowers and his neck snakes, coiled and tensed. His muscles bunch at the familiarity of this very moment. Him, searching for Dov, and Dovev heading inward from wherever he'd come. Searching as well, but not for him. Eyes narrow on the sight of him and breathing slows, the pacing of the beast inside growing along with the fire in his belly. Tongue darts out to wet his lips, anticipating what is to come. "You." Deja vu. His voice is deep and rough as gravel as it reaches out to nab the attention of the other male, in case he doesn't have it already.

    His tail snaps against his side and he welcomes the sting, yearns for more. A stronger hit. Gaze narrowed on the other before him, he takes in the sight of him. They're both a little older than the last time they'd crossed each other. Dov's body is larger, but still that sickly skinny, the bones covering more area than he remembers. But his smell, a mixture of old and new blood, remains the same. Draws him to taste it. How one could be so appealing and appalling all at once would never be a thing Zor understands. But he doesn't have to. He only needs. Upon seeing him now after so long, he realizes how long he's been deprived of physical stimuli. Almost immediately, he is overwhelmed with the urge to give in, to lose himself with him once more. Just once more. The beast roars in his head, setting him off, and before he even realizes it, his feet are moving.

    The blood in his veins spiking with adrenaline and anticipation, he rushes at the bony black stallion and doesn't stop or slow until their bodies collide together. Zor's fleshy shoulder hits the sharp and rigid of Dov's and he grunts with the impact, hoping to at least off-set the other male a little. He doesn't stop there though, continuing his momentum away and planting his fores to throw his hind end up at him, kicking out at whatever he can reach. Zor spins then, lunging in again and aiming a bite to his side where skin is bared, or his neck between plaits. Whichever is closer. Panting a bit with the exertion and hoping for Dov to strike back, he stops to stand at a forty-five degree angle to his head and stares him eye-to-eye. "Where in the fuck have you been?" The words come harsh and ragged, ears still pinned and nostrils flared, he paws the ground, hardly wanting to stand and talk. Bring it on. He'd already waited far too long for this.

    Messages In This Thread
    This Beast Inside of Me | Dovev (Private) - by Zoryn - 10-18-2018, 12:58 AM

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