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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    violence for violence is the rule of beasts; ROUND II
    <i>Home</I>, he thinks again.

    It was a strange thought and even sensation to come back to a place he had once called home. Pangea had been the ideal setting, the perfect place for the birth of a monster. He had come as an omen, in a land that reaped of a wasteland—consumed by death—and home to the most malevolent of monsters.

    But Pangea was no longer the same when he had left.

    As the mud settles beneath his dark paws, Sinner begins to take note more of the drowned and dreary kingdom. There are pieces of a decaying kingdom, scattered and crumbled as the land expands farther into the darkness. However, within the dark distance, there is a soft pulsating faint light of emerald green color.

    He swallows hard as an ominous feeling slowly creeps up his spine. It makes his hair stand on edge, a fear almost overwhelming him that he has never felt before. It is almost too quite. Something did not feel right here.

    The hound turns his gaze to the others, red-yellow glowing eyes carefully considering what the others are doing. There are familiar faces here (those from his present life and one from his own childhood). <i>Rapture</i>, it brings a large smile to his life, dark and humorous. He remembers when she had been his plaything, when the world had been a bright and beautiful place for him just as he began learning how to create chaos and destruction. It had only been child’s play; things were different now.

    <i>Focus</i>, the voice reminds him.

    The dark hound turns his attention back where the emerald green light faintly pulses in the ominous dark waters. Sinner’s eyes look over the murky kingdom once again, within the darkness, he catches the faint winding pathway that leads further into the kingdom.

    <i>Follow the path</i>, the dark god commands him. <i>Alone, or together</i>.
    <i>Find her heart</i>.

    Sinner obeys without thinking. There is a strength within the dark god that even the beast cannot revolt against. The claw mark on his shoulder from the dark god has already marked him as a servant. What Carnage commands, he does. He is a servant to the very darkness from the beginning of his creation. Molded by the very hands of sinful and chaotic creators of evil.

    An abrupt sharp pain throbs within his right shoulder (the very place where he had been marked by Carnage). The cancer within him, the two remnants from the Mountain and Pangea, reminds him of the urgency of the task at hand.

    The beast takes a step forward and then another until he finds his way to the faint path that leads into the darkness. The only path that will lead him to the heart of Pangea. It is the only thought that crosses his mind now. <i>Find her heart</i>. And he will.

    His paws stick to the muck that caters to the path he follows. It weighs him down, slowly each of his steps, but he finds it best to keep moving forward.

    One step.
    Two step.
    Three step.

    He follows the path into the darkness. The pulsating emerald light is the only thing that gives light to the dark kingdom. It is his guiding light, the light that will lead him to finding what he has come for.

    There is no sound beneath the pressure of the ocean. He cannot hear his paws lifting from the murky surface only to be replaced into the muck again. The quietness, an eeriness that has him glancing from side to side, consumes anything and everything around him.

    Sinner searches the pathway, red-yellow glowing eyes looking for any familiarity within the drowned kingdom. There is nothing. He only sees a broken kingdom, long and forgotten. Pieces of the crumbled kingdom are scattered. Dark wood trees disperse throughout the kingdom. The branches are bare, but there is a soft howling in the distance. It comes closer and closer. He swears he can hear the wind, but he does not feel it. The sound of a nearby tree echoes of swaying branches and leaves but when he looks there is only a bare, dead tree.

    He keeps moving forward though. Continuing to follow the winding pathway, shadowed by darkness and uncertainty. One could easily get lost within the drowned kingdom. The dead silence and darkness could consume anyone, eating them alive, and taking their very essence. It is only the ever-pulsing green light that lets him know he is still on the right path. The only path that will lead them out of the very darkness they all have found themselves in.

    It draws them all forward, whether they have come alone or together. Sinner is not considered about the others. He has always been a selfish individual, catering to his own needs and desires. Even forgetting his very own sole purpose of creation and birth.

    But they had not forgotten about him.
    They never would.

    Suddenly, the silence is broken. The sound of cracking bones and groaning joints disrupts the quietness. He no longer finds himself treading deeper into the heart, where long ago he had noticed the undersea life no longer existed. The shifting of bones against bone gets louder.

    Sinner steps dead in his tracks on the pathway. His dark rounded ears perk forward, alerting him. The hair on his back stands up. Jawline slowly cracks open, baring teeth and sending out a snarl in warning.

    The darkness remains still with only the wavering of water and the ever-pulsating emerald light. Movement all of a sudden stir to life. The sound echoes louder in the ocean now, and with the wavering shades of darkness and light—a figure appears.

    It shuffles forward, a figure he cannot make out right away. The movement is slow but it feels like it is moving much faster, much more with ease across the muddy ocean floor than he has had. The wavering of light and darkness slowly begin to reveal the figure. The darkness evades the beast even, bringing the shadow figure into full view.

    The red figure is already dead. Soft pieces of flesh dangle from open, rotting wounds. The eyes of the horse are hollowed, already the eyes of the monster have perished. It shuffles forward still, revealing more of its dead body. The mane and tail of the undead are matted and tangled, wavering through the water as if there is wind blowing. The flesh and bone have been pulled back in several places, revealing the muscles that once had power and strength within them and ivory that is delicate but broken.

    He knows who it is already.

    “Father,” his lips curl, teeth grinding together.

    The dead horse’s ears, half-rotten, perk forward as if recognizing the dark beast before him. It continues forward, coming closer and closer. Sinner doesn’t move though, he isn’t sure how to react seeing his own father in flesh and bone beneath the ocean of Beqanna. But it couldn’t be his father. Surely his own father was alive and well above the ocean, somewhere in the god forsaken world.

    <i> “You have forgotten haven’t you,”</i> suddenly comes a hoarse voice. It sounds identical to his own red devil father. It wasn’t though. <i> “You thought you could run and live your own life.”</i> The voice speaks again, obvious disappointment filling in the words.

    Sinner’s ears lay flat on his skull, teeth grinding together again.

    <i> “We have not forgotten. We never will.”</i>

    The red, dead stallion suddenly lurched forward. He had become unaware of just how close the replica figure of his red father had gotten. Sinner lunges back as quickly as he can but the dead horse is upon him again, already leaping forward, determined to fight him. There is power and strength within the attempt of the red stallion despite being a dead body.

    <i> “You were created for one thing,”</i> the voice cracks as teeth attempt to take a bite of his face, “To kill and serve.”</i> Sinner leaps back from the attack, but the dead stallion bite at his ear. His flesh is ripped from the tip of his left ear. He is surprised by the quick grip and teeth ripping the flesh from his ear. Sinner grinds his teeth, biting the scream he wants to cry out. Jumping back from the dead horse, the dark hound frees himself from him. A deep, hoarse laugh is released from the dead horse. <i>“You have failed! How pathetic you are!”</i>

    Sinner grinds his teeth. An impulsive snarl tears through his throat in fury at the words. The beast pounces forward at the putrefying red horse. He opens his mandible, exposing sharp white teeth. Sinner grips underneath the red neck of the dead horse. His teeth quickly sink into the decaying flesh and bone with ease. He tears the flesh and bone away with one bite. Then another bite.

    The red stallion does nothing. It doesn’t even fight him back. It only laughs wildly at him. A manic laugh echoing through the stillness.

    Then another bite. He bites and chews until the dead stallion begins to fumble while it only it continues to laugh hysterically. The dead horse then falls to the ground. Sinner continues to chew. “I will kill you!” he shouts through teeth gripped with rotten flesh and cracked bone. The red horse laughs again, it is softer and hoarser. It continues just as Sinner continues to devour the flesh and bone of the dead horse. Eventually the laugh dies away into a faint but hoarse sound.

    Then there is nothing. No sound but the silence he had once been in.

    <i>“And you will”</i>, the voice comes softly before diminishing into the quietness again.

    Sinner takes several steps away from the lifeless red stallion that lays in a mess of rotten flesh and cracked bones than it had before. He is teeth and mouth are stained with small pieces of flesh and bone, cracking into a wide sinister grin. A hysterical laugh echoes through his throat and into the wide open silence.

    He then swiftly turns, finding the path yet again. Following the ever-pulsating light as if nothing had ever happened before. Except this time, he is consumed by something else—a new life flows through his veins, filling the once empty hunger within him.

    <i>Find her heart</i>.

    The dark beast pushes through the murky earth beneath his paws. The command echoes clearly in his mind, causing his eyes to only focus on the light ahead of him. He is getting closer to the light now. It is brighter than before.

    You are so close.
    Quickly now.</i>

    The voice encourages him, but he suddenly feels himself getting weaker. He is growing tired and starts moving slower through the murky mud. The feeling of weakening disrupts his thoughts, his focus to get to the heart of Pangea. He attempts to move forward, but he stumbles. He feels sicker now, the disease spreading from his right shoulder completely consumes his body. Yet, his eyes are still set on the stronger pulse of the green light in the center.

    <i> “You are so weak,”</i> the familiar voice of his father echoes through the silence.

    Sinner stumbles to the ground, body slamming against the muddy ground. His muscles have grown weak. The energy, the determination within him fades away. There is nothing left within him as the disease continues to spread and the sicker he is becoming.

    His breathing becomes heavy. It feels like the water is filling into his lungs now. He chokes loudly, hacking and coughing.

    “I can’t do this,” he whispers weakly.

    <i> “You never could. You are too weak to think for yourself. You are merely a servant, a little thing that does our bidding.”</i> The voice comes again.

    The hound lays there lifeless for moments to what seems like a lifetime. The feeling of weakness and stupor does not recede. He can feel the full effect of the cancer within him, finally overtaking every part of his body. “I am nothing,” his voice comes faintly, “I will always be nothing.”

    <i>Go to the heart</i>, the thought comes in his mind. It sends a scorching pain throughout his body. it wracks his muscles and tissues in his right shoulder, festering his open wound even more than before when it had invaded his body. He groans out in agony, screaming through grinded teeth.

    His body writhers in pain. The disease within him is angry and twisting with rage. Pulsating pain that sends him ripping with frustration, but fills him with strength suddenly. <i>Get up. Get up.</i> The voice within him demands, commanding him. “I cannot,” he fumbles back in reply. <i>You will!</i> It pulls his limbs, muscles working without his control.

    Sinner’s limbs are pulled together, lifting him up from the muck on the ground. He stands slowly, shaking in attempt to find the balance on his paws. He puts his right paw firmly on the muck. It staggers, but he catches himself with his hind legs, firmly placing himself onto the murky ground.

    <i>You have a purpose.
    Finish it.</i>

    He can feel the sickness subsiding as a new strength is found within the depths of his soul. The sickness remains within him, making him still feel weak and dizzy. He ignores it, shakes it off as he plants one paw after the other in the muddy path towards the crater that harbors the heart of Pangea.

    The dark hound is closer than he had thought. He is more determined to fight the sickness off, to push through with more determination—a purpose. Sinner realizes he has something to offer, just as the dark god has something to offer him. He is not a servant—there is a choice and he will take it head on to get what he wants with a fight.

    Ahead of the dark wolf, the green emerald light is pulsating softly. Like a heart, he can feel the thud of it beneath the murky earth. It pulls him forward, consuming him. Giving him more power than he had imagine despite how weak he feels still.

    He falls to his knees once he reaches the overly glowing heart of Pangea.

    “I am here.”

    TLDR: Sinner encounters his father, but it is actually the dark gods/darkness that created him to come to Beqanna and remind his father that he has gone off his pathway of evil. Sinner is than faced with his own self-worth. He comes with terms that he has a purpose still and also realization that he may not just be a servant to do the bidding of dark creatures/gods.
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    Most likely always in his hellhound form

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    RE: violence for violence is the rule of beasts; ROUND II - by Sinner - 09-17-2018, 06:00 PM

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