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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    just a girl taking too many chances [anyone]
    She was doing a piss poor job of deterring his attention and if anything he seemed more intrigued every time she tried to push him further away.  But he remained unbudging, unphased by whatever she tossed at him.  It made her wonder if getting chastised by a salt-stained mare was something he dealt with on a daily basis and was simply used to it.  

    "Seamonster..." she says in mock warning as he steps closer.  "Are you trying to exploit my fascination with you?"  Breckin takes a small step backward, slowly sliding her last forelimb back with exaggerated slowness before correcting her straight posture, smiling coyly the entire time.

    A part of her wanted to take him up on his offer, reach out to him right then, and forget her problems for a short while;  she had no doubt he could make it worth her while.  But that wouldn't be good enough for her and she knew that if she caved right now, she would regret her choice come tomorrow.  The woman he'd been talking with so far, wasn't really her; a part of her yes but not entirely Breckin.  And truthfully she liked him well enough to feel as though she owed him some honesty and a look at the whole confused and broken girl with the pretty masks.

    The charade had been fun and distracting for a while, but she tosses it aside.  If he really wanted to keep her company for much longer, he'd have to catch a glimpse beyond her illusion and let him decide if she was worth all of whatever this game had been.  She'd see how well he tolerated the truth of her situation.

    She finds her voice after a long, releasing exhale, "Ivar, I'm tired of dancing around the truth so I'll be direct now.  I really came here to try to clear my mind at the waterfall.  I'm afraid that I may be in love with someone, and I feel bloody helpless about it."  Her dark eyes make no attempt to find him, instead, they look toward the sand where she stood, sifting through the grains mindlessly.  The exposure of a small shell grabs her attention, and she raises it to her mane with a single thought, fiddling with the strands of her mane until it was secured behind her ear.  When her work is done, she finally meets his gaze with a rueful smile,  "I apologize if I've been rude, I hardly know you and yet you've bared the brunt of my frustrations remarkably well.  I suppose I should thank you for that."  She had meant it sincerely because on some level she had begun to feel slightly better.  And no matter where he took her admittance from here, at least she knew she had a slim chance to sleep better that night, knowing she'd made a small confession to herself as well as him.

    @[Ivar] No worries, love!

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    RE: just a girl taking too many chances [anyone] - by Breckin - 08-09-2018, 12:06 PM

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