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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Blood is Thicker Than Water [Warrick, Any]

    Updrafts of ocean winds keep him airborne as he circles the islands for the thousandth time.  The light of day has long faded into the cool of night and everything is still.  Almost too still.  Silver eyes scan the territory below in deliberation. Small huddles of equines scatter the landscape but they are not the forms of his Ischian family.  With another thresh of his wings, he moves towards the northern most shoreline.  

    A deep inhale of the offered scents of the night give him no more clues as to where Krone and the twins have gathered.  They were adolescents and to think he could contain them here much longer was foolish.  He'd hope they'd continue their training and remain close.  One day ruling a kingdom, perhaps Tephra, together as they(Krone and him) had always planned from them. Their disappearance now worries him, so he banks down the western shoreline and hunts for any sign of them...

    The darkness hindered his sight some, but he finds a misplaced orange glow within the center of the island.  It could be nothing more than a flow of lava but it remained unmoving, so he investigates further.  More wing beats move him quickly through the night air and bring him just above the mysterious light.  Upon further investigation, he finds it to be nothing more than the fire armored colt of Tephra and... Krom.  Thinking upon the subject just slightly more, he concludes that his son must be practicing with the older colt and that Karat is with her mother...someplace.

    So again he turns away towards the shoreline.  It was the only place he could think the ex-queen to be since having left the tropical isle.  Having tired with flight, he chooses to land upon the rocky shores and search by land.  A scent trail would be stronger here and perhaps give him a lead.  With wings tucked tightly to his sides he ventures on.  Trying to unmask the mystery of everyone's whereabouts.  The sulfur of the volcano hindered his tactic some but as he meandered along the shoreline, a foreign stench filled his nares.  It smelt of death and decay, of salt water and...Sylva. Mingled lightly within it was a fate hint of Krone and this sparked dread to creep up within him.  Could a Sylvan have snuck up onto the beaches and captured the former queen?  He had been so attentive in his duties of guarding the shores...

    With this speculation he is now concerned as to where... "Karat!" he gasps in realization that she could possibly be missing as well.  Wings unfurl to begin his rise into the star speckled skies.  With more haste this time he looks to find his son again along the stream of melted earth.  Silver eyes settle on them easily -as it is hard to miss the glow of orange radiating off both the colt- and he is pleased to find Warrick has come to find them as well.  A tuck of his wings, dips him back to the earth, worry plaguing his facial features.  

    He is quickly pacing towards the trio with words soon erupting from his lips, "Krom! Where is your sister?!"  His ears are nearly flat against his poll as he hardly waits for a response before turning to the overseer, "Warrick, there is a Sylvan scent along the western shores.  Faint but lingering, as well as Krone's.  I've been searching all evening for her and that is all I've found.  Karat and Kwartz seem to be gone as well.  Have you heard anything lately?  I'd almost suspect Ischia is behind these disappearances..." as all that are missing were from Ischia, he wants to add but keeps the thoughts to himself.  Could his family really be a target of the islands out of spite?  His initial assumption was the Brotherhood being behind the sudden missing family members but the undeniable scent of Sylva had washed upon the shores...

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Warrick] @[Phoebus] figured Id add him here so we can cover all bases in one thread XD #DRAMALLAMA

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Blood is Thicker Than Water [Warrick, Any] - by Klaudius - 05-11-2018, 07:22 PM

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