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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any]


    When Scorch had eyed Breckin in the field, it hadn't been with a mother's knack; no, when she found herself craving the form of a small child pressed to her skin, Scorch sought out the adoption den, purposefully taking with her any lost souls she could find therein. In the field, the realm of adults or pretend-adults reigned - and she approached these subjects with more of a business-like air, a formality that she never used while addressing young children.

    But, as she stood regarding her new companion, something inside of her whispered that the young woman was more than just a new friend; she was something more akin to a new daughter, if only in emotion and not in title. But Scorch had many such as Breckin in her upholstery of friends: and those individuals she called sister. Women she had raised up from a shaky beginning into Amazons of renowned and legend. Perhaps, if Breckin chose allegiance to Nerine, they, too, would become just that. Sisters.

    "Well, you're already more prepared than I was, at your age. I had no idea about quests." Scorch's eyes glimmered reassuringly, hoping that the mare might gain some courage from this information; that her next words might be proudly spoken, instead of mumbled. "So you'll make it through just fine, if you are selected for such an adventure." Better now to frame it in a good light like this, as opposed to that which it will more likely become: a nightmare. Still, those things cannot be prepared for, and so best not to dwell on them.

    The mare's ears perked inquisitively at Breckin's next question, impressed at how easily she moved on to new conversation, especially one so imperative to her hypothetical life in Nerine. Scorch's answer came quickly, the words friendly despite her brusque voice. "Indeed you are right, Breckin. Hestia is the name of the Nerinian Khaleesi, or Queen - both titles go. She has a black coat and green eyes, and occasionally, some fiery attributes, too."

    Her lips curled in a fond smile at the recollection of a similar conversation she'd had with Hestia about dreams and quests not long ago.

    "I'm sure she would love to meet you, should you ever seek her out. But..." And here she paused, glancing at Breckin, hoping she wasn't overstepping her bounds considering that Breckin hadn't chosen a place to live definitively yet, "If you're looking to instate yourself in a caste, you can tell me. I am Hestia's advisor, or second in command. Do you have any ideas about what you might be passionate about?.. War and Peace sounds very black and white, but in my days, there's always a nook somewhere where anyone fits."


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle
    Advisor to Nerine's Hestia

    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any] - by Scorch - 03-29-2018, 01:25 AM

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