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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A time for teaching. (Diplomats, any)


    Solace doesn't enjoy playing games- atleast not with her kingdom. Maybe later she will learn the value of the shrewd dance many leaders wove with their words, but for now, she prefers to make her points known in a straightforward manner. She wasn't looking to manipulate anyone for the upper hand, she simply wanted her kingdom (and it's residents) to remain a step above the darkness and violence so often found in Beqanna. She had nothing to hide. 

    She feels this meeting is going unexpectedly well. "Thank you, Hestia. Hopefully, we will never have to take you up on that, but it a comfort to have that option."

    She wants to believe in the picture this queen present, yet still, Solace cannot completely ignore the tightness in her gut. A nation of warriors was always an unruly beast. She had expected as much, but hearing it confirmed by their leader is much different than suspecting. Hot blooded young would inevitably come along - restless and aching to prove themselves. Raw visionaries would crop up, looking to rule the world, and who sat on their doorstep? Solace had to trust this mare to rule her subjects with a firm and unresting hand.

    Solace reminds herself that this could be a good thing - the best thing - for Hyaline. Hestia seemed to Solace like a steady force - level headed and calculating. To have able warriors as a neighbor could be one of the best defenses until Solace could build her own guardian force. Hestia didn't want a madman licking along her seems, looking for a crack her in defenses form the cozy position Hyaline would give him. The Sanctuary would make an ideal neighbor. 

    "I will let the others know about your fighting pens, it would be good practice for them." She thinks of Khaedrik immediately and makes a mental note to speak with him later. "As for steals, I think it would be beneficial to leave those open yet friendly. As a sign of goodwill, I ask that you limit steals to six months or less and we will do the same. Stealing can help to build bonds between kingdoms, but I do not wish for anyone to be displaced from their home and loved ones for an entire year - on either side." 

    caretaker of hyaline


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    RE: A time for teaching. (Diplomats, any) - by Solace - 03-21-2018, 10:15 AM

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