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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    just as i can be so cruel; hestia

    They stand there facing each other, silent. His eyes a mesmerizing color so that she forgets herself for a moment. It’s not often she gets stared at so openly. Most defer to lowering their gaze, challenge her in a battle of wills, study her face for some hidden agenda, they know is there, but cannot perceive, or they are simply comfortable enough in her presence that they have no need for more than a passing glance. She’s unused to simply being observed. She’s not sure how to react to it, a bit disconcerted she shifts her weight softly speaking in hopes to lighten the atmosphere and turn his attention elsewhere. The weight of his stare doesn’t break though, if anything it focuses more intensely on her. As if her voice only added to reasons to observe her. It comes as a startle when he reaches out to her. She jerks her head back her ears flipping against her skull. Okay she may have been getting used to reaching out to others, but others voluntarily reaching for her? It’s a work in progress.

    At least she doesn’t bite and scream at him. Like stated, progress. Instead leafy colored eyes widen, and her jaw opens about to snap some indignant response at him before it shuts having not uttered a word. His voice, it sends a warmth down her spine that she’d forgotten about. This is a part of herself that she’d not intended to be awakened again. Oooo girl, he spells danger in big fat red letters, the voice is practically dancing over her miserable failure of manners. Well its not as if Hestia can’t handle herself, she speaks the comment in her mind back to the voice with just as much snark as it had. She can still feel the heat of his breath, the syllable of his name still ringing in her mind. Could she forget it? Someone so strange in this land of predictability. Who can ever be this simple? always an agenda or need. He’s given her his name, reached out and touched her scars. She can’t bring herself to move for a moment, silent in the small space provided by the trail. She almost considers staying there, wondering what it is that he wants from her. Everyone wants something these days. Unless they are close friends of course.

    Before he moves to be out of her way, her eyes flutter back into focus. What was she mad at again? Her lips thin slightly, keeping her from responding. Hesitantly she begins to pass him. Finally, someone who doesn’t want to just stop and chat her ear off. She might actually make it somewhere today. She can’t seem to bring herself to break his stare and pauses just beneath him for one last look before moving forward irritated at herself and whipping her tail against her flanks. She begins walking, shivering from the snow turned liquid on her back. Why hadn’t she noticed these before?


    The devil whispered in my ear, you’ll never survive the storm
    I whispered back, I am the storm

    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

    Messages In This Thread
    just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Murc - 02-23-2018, 08:48 PM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Hestia - 02-24-2018, 04:03 AM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Murc - 03-09-2018, 02:05 PM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Hestia - 03-10-2018, 01:38 PM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Murc - 03-11-2018, 02:11 PM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Hestia - 03-11-2018, 05:05 PM
    RE: just as i can be so cruel; hestia - by Murc - 03-11-2018, 05:35 PM

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