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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You flee my dream come morning [Castile]


    The way Amet holds her against him, whispers her nickname (Akmar), the way he can bring her to a place of pleasure she had never known before… It’s real. It feels right. Then how does this feel right too? With his mismatched eyes watching her and and stormy scales brushing against her scarred skin. Why is being pulled into his embrace hard to resist? His scent is muskier, rich with pine and soil. Woodsy. It reminds her of the road. It reminds her of the life she had before she fell into the Underneath.

    She can’t deny the way her heart seems to lift when he whispers her name. Different, so different. But there's still the same desire just as when Amet calls to her. The hunger in his eyes, familiar. For a moment, she allows herself to truly feel him against her. To breathe him in. A taste of the fantasies that had lurked on the edge of her thoughts that day their eyes had first locked.

    She wants him.

    She wants him…. But not like this.

    ”Are you his?” Hesitance as she looks up into his searching gaze. There had never been any declaration of love although they were both aware of the feelings between them. She belonged to no-one but herself. There was no official title but if she was honest with herself, her feelings, then her heart did belong to him. Part of it at least. The other half muddled and confused by the one before her, that drew her in with dark roving looks and winged mysteries. ”Yes.” She breathes softly, admitting to him and herself the truth of her feelings. Something she hadn’t been sure of herself. But how could she not love Amet? He who had nursed her back to health, cared for her, taken her innocence and cradled it gently, protectively.

    There had been distance between them that day, between the three of them. The tension had been palpable, she knows they had both felt it just as she had. Out of respect for all of them and respect for the bewildering confusion she had felt, she had not thought it right to be pressed to his side. Besides, she wasn’t the type to constantly flaunt her affections in front of visitors.

    He groans and she feels the dark flutter of her heart as she braces himself to pull away. To tell her this was wrong, that she needed to go. That he didn’t care for her. But he doesn’t. Instead he looks ashamed but still he is so close. Close enough that she can feel his breath as he admits he wants her. There’s a spark within her and she knows her desire for him, knows that what she feels is real. It takes everything in her not to reach for him, to discover the secrets that lay beneath his scales. To find the truth of what he feels.”Why me?” Soft words as her muzzle hovers inches from his own, she doesn’t need to speak her thoughts. They are written all over her face, quivering nerves beneath the surface of her dark flesh. Brazen and glittering in the depths of her metallic iris's.

    She shudders, regret in the silver swirls as she pulls her muzzle to her chest. Dizzy with her desire and the throbbing of her face. ”Not like this.” She whispers softly. Although every fiber in her body fights to give in to him, Amet is never far from her mind. She couldn't do that to him, to them.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was


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    RE: You flee my dream come morning [Castile] - by Ciri - 11-04-2017, 07:12 PM

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