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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You flee my dream come morning [Castile]
    How is this so wrong, but feels so right? Perhaps, it’s because Castile has never known the warmth or the touch of a woman. This is his first time to have anyone melt into his side or to search his eyes in the way she does. Butterflies flutter throughout him when their eyes meet, his mismatched to her swirling silver. ”Ciri,” he whispers her name with closed eyes, his hot breath fanning across her skin as she comfortingly leans into him, fitting perfectly against his side. For a fleeting moment, it’s only them as the world passes them by as a whirling blur of chaos. There is a serenity encasing them as they succumb to their desires, their bodies heating with want. A breath catches in Castile’s throat as she nestles against him, the space between them entirely gone so that he feels every curve. Silence is most fitting as he embraces her with both wing and body, his lungs drawing her in addictively.

    But then she sobers them with that one word, that one name.

    Castile is rattled, confused, but he doesn’t yet pull away just as she doesn’t. She had said his name first – it was honey on her tongue, so sweet and alluring – but she reminds him of Amet, of the time he saw them Hyaline. Confused, his ears swivel as his gaze flickers to the nearby river as though it will give him answers to their dilemma. It responds with a choked gurgle that he decides to ignore as he lifts his head from the crest of her neck. ”Are you his?” He asks with a furrowed brow, not entirely certain how to handle the way she also says his friend’s name. ”But you didn’t reciprocate the way he touched you in Hyaline… You both didn’t act like—“ he cuts himself off because it really doesn’t matter what he did or didn’t see between them.

    A groan slips past his lips as he tries to peel away with her, but fails.

    ”I’m a terrible friend,” he murmurs as his brows furrow for a heartbeat before lifting as he tries to search her face and eyes. Emotion takes hold of him for truly the first time – never has he experienced this sinful lust – and he isn’t entirely sure how to control it or how to let it go as to not ruin her, or them. While he has always nurtured others, now he is suddenly selfish and greedy. With a hissing sigh, an almost ashamed tone twists through his voice. ”Despite everything, I still want you to myself.”


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    RE: You flee my dream come morning [Castile] - by Castile - 11-04-2017, 02:08 PM

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