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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You flee my dream come morning [Castile]


    Being around Castile is different. He is unknown, unchartered territory. Being around him feels almost… Dangerous. And she seems destined and drawn to dangerous things. Amet is like slipping into a luxurious hot bath at the end of a long bad day. Warm, comforting, soothing. And yet even the water can burn if turned just hot enough, even he could scald her if pushed.

    The two dragons that threaten to rip her heart in half if given the chance. For each have their claws in her and she can’t explain how or why this had happened. The moment their eyes had met, something had shifted. Something in his gaze had made her pulse quicken and her stomach churn with excitement. Just like now as he gently caresses her jaw and despite the pain along her face, she finds herself unable to move away. The silver strands quickening with the rising heat in her breast.

    The guilt remains even as her skin quivers beneath his warm breath. Amet, he who had cared for her instantly. Her friend turned lover… But was that all there was between them? Sexual exploration? She remembers Tang and the familiar taste of jealousy. It didn’t matter if she hadn’t been seen in months, that it had been she that had claimed Hyaline’s King’s virginity. It didn’t mean she held his heart. Any words of love had been kept to himself and she held her own deep inside.

    Did she love Amet? There’s hesitation as Castile looks to her, holds her gaze and she’s unsure if it’s the blood loss or him that’s making her weak in the knees. She does, she does care for the gilded stallion who ruled her heart as much as his kingdom. But there’s something here too… How can that be? His touch runs along her neck to her withers, followed by a promise to avenge her and she can’t help but press into him for comfort. Her bloody face pressing lightly to his own scaled neck, breathing in the exotic musk of the beast he had become, before pulling away.

    She knows she needs to return and her look is almost pleading as they gaze at each other, each unsure of what to do. Pleading to not make this harder then it already was. Tempted by his offer to rest but still she resists… Until his mouth is against her neck and he is pulling her with his wing. A soft gasp escapes her, a wildness in her eyes as a surge of fire seems to course through her veins. ”Castile…” A soft protest, a throaty exclamation. ”Amet..” She tries again even as her body presses against his with the weight of his wing around her, unable to deny the sparks that seem to jolt between them. Except there’s a game changer that none of them are aware of. The little heartbeat that thrums steadily along her own. Invisible and unnoticed, for now.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was


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    RE: You flee my dream come morning [Castile] - by Ciri - 11-03-2017, 09:16 PM

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