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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    your wide eyes are the only light i know; Magnificent
    Concrete and pumice stone, and how she regarded herself as lovely despite it all. Perhaps it was the potential to be worn smooth by a river, to be softened and molded by a greater force than she. This detail is not one she would openly share, this buried alliance she had with the fact that something bigger than herself had control over her and her fate. It was far too spiritual of a notion for a Coveling to let slip to the wind and so she tucked it close, and tethered it deep within her. It was not to be set free, nor uttered out loud, not even in the secrecy of her own whispers. It was a caged animal, something beaten into submission, a being left without light to thrive in and so resolved itself to cower in a corner- awaiting death. Finality.

    That is why, just maybe, the charcoal mare overlooked the tangles in Keeper’s mane. It’s why her jewel tone eyes took in the trapped twigs and bits of leaves and disregarded them. Scratches on skin meant little and when she let her eyes gather in the gold, her vision blurred them into perfection. Smoothed them away much like she wished the water would do to her, how ironic. The child was a wild thing, spun in nature and delicately placed in a painting of a meadow. A lone doe set among beasts and brave enough to take them on, stubborn or hard headed or even courageous- which is yet to be decided.

    Magnificent can not imagine the girl a foolhardy thing, but she had taken her by surprise so much that she could not quite place her finger on what she was entirely. It was a puzzle, the pieces locking and yet the raven could not place them correctly with fumbling fingers.

    Keeper somehow kept her and that is to say something quite important and unexpected in itself.

    We can fix that, and for the first time in hours that summons doubt. Magnificent could not be fixed and of that she was certain. The God’s would not allow it, that greater force surely could never mend a broken thing like her, no matter if she begged until she was blue in the face. Insides as sickly void as her coat, depthless and looming. Covelings were not meant for repairing and stubbornly she didn’t want such an easy remedy. A fickle mind, unsure of what it needed and wanted. On one hand craving absolution, the other clutching at condemnation and both sides of a balanced scale refusing to tip. Deep down she wanted both, she wanted either. All and nothing and that was why she said in a somber response, “If you think you can little beasty,” and she trudged along aside the dun, keeping pace with a patient gait.

    At a river she stills, pulling to a halt and tipping her head to the one that navigated. If she knew the way Magnificent would have easily stretched her wings and flown but in this moment she must follow. How very surreal.

    “If there is one thing I do not doubt,” she began, creeping her mass into the cool waters before them, “it is that you will try very hard to make sure I am not.” Her left back leg slipped on a slimey stone and she plunged chest deep much quicker than she intended. No matter, she huffed, sending a spray of tiny water drops fleeing from her nose. Small beads of the liquid still clung to the tiny hairs on her muzzle when she finally emerged and reflected rainbows before she shook them away. Her damp hair clinging desperately in a heavy embrace with her neck, she welcomed the reprieve from the warmth. The short swim had cooled her from the first half of their trek and so at the second waterway she flew, drying her skin and stretching her wings that sang as the current slipped beneath them.

    It takes what seemed like a breath for her to pass over the river, watching from the bank as Keeper swam, and for the first time a glimmer of strength reflected from the girl and Magnificent cocked her head. She didn’t know what to do with the emotion that met her then, it wasn’t surprise, for she had felt that often enough to name it. It was appreciation, adoration for the girl that met her in a fleeting fluttering sensation, and if she knew how to recognize it she would have laughed at herself. Somehow the fairy girl had turned her world upside down and the dragon did not know how to react to the sudden friendship that had bloomed to life in their meeting.

    Magnificent did not have many friends, save for one whose name she dare not let live within her head. Not now when he had been sent so very far from her mind.

    “I think,” she returned, answering the question as she peered up at the slope, “that you are quite an adventurer.” She studied the path carefully, raking the sifted sand and pitted rocks and soaking them in through eyes deep purple like plums. Without much hesitation she put her muscles to work, silently thanking her trained flesh for the stamina to successfully ascend the trail. “Keeper how many times have you done this?” the words leaving through a steady pattern of inhales and exhales as she propelled herself upwards.
    the space between, the wicked lies we tell
    HTML by Call-picture segovia amil

    idk what happened o.o

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    RE: your wide eyes are the only light i know; Magnificent - by Magnificent - 09-22-2017, 04:32 PM

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