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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You're the Color of my Blood; birthing [Gryffen, Any]
    Her efforts were for not.  The visit to Nerine a waste.  She knew it was inevitable but she would have done what was necessary to secure their home again.  The will of their once leader was no longer there and she accepted it.  If only Djinni would have consulted in her maybe things would have taken another path.  It was what it was.  She was not a queen, the crown would never suit her as it did others.  So as she crossed the borders of her home the darkness that engulfed it was expected...

    The journey had been short but not effortless.  The golden mare chose to spread her skinned wings on her return trip.  The added weight she barred made her first flight more challenging but not unsuccessful.  She had watched her own son take flight many times before.  Her first son, a lavender Pegasus, identical to his father Kirin.  This was by far her first rodeo and birth had been something she was well rehearsed in.  So as she landed it was in front of the cave she had called home many times.  Looking into the opening she let out an exhausted puff of air.  Shifting her wings away so it was just her again.  Her necks cranes to look into the deciduous forest of reds and oranges.  Even in spring when everything was green these forests remained their usual unusual hues.  

    The sun had yet to rise so the lands were dank.  A wispy haze curled through the trees.  She did not seeked them out but she could feel them.  Just as she had felt Taiga change on the eastern border.  Their presence hung heavy already in the land but this was her home and she wasn't being chased from it.  Probably the only one who wouldn't be, if there was even anyone left.

    With a shake of her head and neck her ebony tresses tossed then fell to rest again.  The swoosh of tassels at her hocks as she walked into the darkness of her cave.  The clip of hooves on the solid terrain echoed around her.  Easily within the darkness she finds her bed of dried grasses tucked behind a large boulder.  Lowering her crown, ebony lips brush across the bedding.  A snort escaping her nares as the scent of Stillwater lingered.  The stallion had vacated the lands sometime ago but the memories remained.  Waking up from near death at his hands, her son curled next to her.  Him fearing she was dead.  The memories remained...

    Klaudius had left sometime ago as well.  She wasn't going to stop him either.  Though she wonders now where he is.  As well as her daughter, Kolera.  Perhaps they would come home one day.  Her slender legs collapse under her as her weight is lowered to the floor.  Alone in the damp sanctuary... For now.


    It wasn't long. Never is.  It got easier each time.  Long brushing strokes dried his fluffy coat.  She stood now over him.  His heat signature radiated in her eyes.  Glowing brighter with each pass of her tongue.  He shifts about in the straw, gaining strength and will to stand.  She whicker's to him encouragingly knowing it won't be long.  He'd have to stand soon.  It wouldn't be long before the creatures that lurked in the forest would sniff her out... Let them come, she challenges in her mind.
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
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    You're the Color of my Blood; birthing [Gryffen, Any] - by Karaugh - 09-19-2017, 09:57 AM

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