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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  dream higher than the sky [any]
    "I just want to make sure. You seem awfully tired and cold." His words are kind as he replies to her constant assurance she was fine. It wasn't often that he found himself being as kind as he was being, but something about the spotted mare pulled it out of him without much realization. He keeps himself pressed against her side, unwilling to move no matter how much she pressed on about how well she was. He knew his dry body and the heat it was producing would help give her a sort of warmth that she wouldn't receive until she was fully dry.

    It's only when she assures him that she won't fall that he shifts his weight slightly away from her, allowing the large wing of his that was pressed between them to stretch upward and then over and around her small frame. "Well then let's focus on keeping you warm until you dry off," he smiles slightly, though a bit awkwardly as he notes the kind and happy nature in her voice. He listens as she pronounces his name slowly and carefully and with a silent chuckle he nods in approval. "That's perfect. You're one of the first to get it right on the first try."

    He knew he had quite a different name and he too had yet to meet another with one just as unusual. Though it looked like that was about to change - quite soon in fact. Though when she starts to speak again he is pulled from his thoughts, an eye glancing in her direction as she explains her accidental dip in the lake. For a moment confusion drifts across his face and then suddenly the realization hits him. She couldn't see. It was the only possible explanation for such a simple misstep that could and would have been easily avoided had she been able to see the bank in front of her.

    But because she doens't mention her lack of eyesight, he does not either. Instead he nods once more before allowing his voice to slip through his lips once more. "I can see how a mistake like that could be made... Don't worry though, it happens. Thankfully you are safe now." There's a smile at the end of his words, a kindness he would usually struggle to provide. It seems like for once he wouldn't have to try to be a full-on gentleman.

    This land seemed to have an effect on him that his home had not. Maybe here was where he'd make his mark. Maybe for once he'd finally have a reason to stay and not continue searching for that right place to call home. If anything, maybe it would be those he met, like this mare and the stallion in Loess, that kept him here. "Well Caelondia, It's nice to meet you." He doesn't trip over her name simply because of the fact that his name was also an unusual one. Though when she turns her head she is suddenly very close to his chin and with a slight chuckle he nudges her cheek with her nose slightly, encouraging her to move her head a bit back. He was afraid if she kept it where it were that he'd smack her face with his chin were he to move just right.

    "So, I have to ask.. Before falling into the water, were you here in the land of the homeless to find a place you could call your home?"
    K A K A S H I
    winged smokey cream akhal-teke stallion
    currently living within the loess lingdom

    Messages In This Thread
    dream higher than the sky [any] - by Caelondia - 08-30-2017, 06:14 PM
    RE: dream higher than the sky [any] - by Kakashi - 08-31-2017, 03:46 AM
    RE: dream higher than the sky [any] - by Kakashi - 08-31-2017, 01:59 PM
    RE: dream higher than the sky [any] - by Kakashi - 09-01-2017, 06:30 AM

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