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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    With his classic words of 'I'll be all right', the spotted stallion wiped his damp face on his foreleg, keeping his eyes away from those of the golden stallion. Aten's own gaze did not change; he continued looking at his leader, sympathy filling those warm brown eyes he'd inherited from his dam.

    Ruan seemed to be preoccupied with something, come to think of it. While Aten had noticed that Ruan would not meed his eyes, he also noticed they were trained on something else. Aten took one step to see if he could spot what had Ruan's attention so thoroughly locked, but nothing peculiar became obvious to his eyes at first.

    Not until Ruan moved, uncurled his body, at least. The spotted stallion introduced the tiny filly by the name of Polaris, explaining how he'd come across her and brought her back to the Taiga. She was a tiny creature, fragile looking, though Aten suspected that was because of her skin, as upon closer look, he realized it wasn't normal. Carefully, he eyed the filly, coming to the conclusion that her skin was not made of flesh and bones like Aten's was; rather she seemed be made of... glass? That was about the closest thing he could come up with, if that was the case.

    Aten couldn't deny his curiosity, but he also knew how protective the stallion lying there could be. He moved so that he was standing perpendicular to Ruan, Aten's chest lining up with Ruan's withers. He then took a couple steps forward, his muzzle stretched out and nostrils flaring as he inhaled the scent of the tiny filly. It was sweet, but unnatural, something Aten found unique. As he moved his head back, his eyes looked over the filly again. She was a rather adorable thing, her pretty teal colored coat glittering in the faint sunlight.

    Ruan then asked for Aten to talk about his family, something the young stallion hadn't done since the day he and Sirana had gone their separate ways. He almost didn't want to, fearing it would drag up unwanted memories. But for Ruan, as innocent as a question it was, he could stomach that.

    "My sire was lost shortly after the Reckoning, I've come to believe. I am still unsure of what exactly happened to him. After him, I have my mother, and three older siblings. My mother and older sister, Eiria, I believe have stuck together. My older brother, Nerius, is more than likely out there on his own, either living in a kingdom or gallivanting for fun. Having a companion never mattered to him, though I wouldn't be surprised if he got our father's instincts for acquiring a harem.

    "My oldest sister, Sirana, I was with her after the Reckoning happened. I got separated from my dam. Sirana took care of me until her herd stallion kicked me out because I was a threat. I was a little over a year when that happened. I remained on my own until you accepted me into the Taiga. I am unsure if I have any younger siblings; I have not been to visit my dam lately."

    Aten almost wanted to ask the same question, but considering Ruan didn't talk about his family at all, he figured it could be a sore subject. So, deciding to twist it around a little, Aten motioned to the filly, "Have you decided to take her on as one of your own? I have a feeling she'd be rather happy to have you raise her; you'd be a good father for her."

    OOC: It's all right, don't apologize; family is important! And by the way, Polaris sounds really cute.

    Messages In This Thread
    Aten - by Ruan - 06-02-2017, 01:55 AM
    RE: any - by Aten - 06-02-2017, 09:17 PM
    RE: any - by Ruan - 06-07-2017, 12:42 PM
    RE: any - by Aten - 06-07-2017, 09:34 PM
    RE: any - by Ruan - 06-15-2017, 09:34 PM
    RE: Aten - by Aten - 06-16-2017, 12:33 PM
    RE: Aten - by Ruan - 06-21-2017, 01:00 AM
    RE: Aten - by QHQueen1818 - 06-21-2017, 01:42 AM

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