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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I’ve kept an eye on the two of them since I scooped them out of the sea. Something about the way Kylin had kissed him, might’ve just been panic and worry over whether he was gonna be okay or not, but it was enough that I started to pay attention, yeah? They may not know their grandfather, but I did. And it’s good to be careful, nip these things in the bud before they can get too far.

    ‘Course, I’m not gonna make something out of nothing. I treat ‘em like always, playing and cuddling and having fun, making them little presents and having little chats and spending time together without it really even on my mind. But now and again I catch little glimpses of maybe something in their eyes, or the way they’re so close, always tucked up against each other.

    And today.

    Today there’s definitely more than maybe something in Kharon’s eyes as he watches his sister, ogles her really, there’s no other way to put that one. That groan, the way he tries to shake it off, shifting and resettling his wings. Right. Time for a little chat, then, eh? When Kharon stills and looks over at me with a smile on his face and guilt in his eyes, I give him a look and nod off toward the woods behind me, start walking when I see he catches my drift.

    This is a talk we need to have in private, yes?

    Poor kid knows it, too, by the look on his face, a pained grimace that definitely didn’t manage to be the easy smile he was probably going for. “Hey, Dad,” he says, looking nervous as fuck as he stands before me. I want to pull him in for a hug and tell him it’s gonna be okay, that he’s got nothing to worry about and I’m just trying to help him not make the same mistakes I did. But that part will come after.

    “Hey, son,” I say instead, taking a deep breath and trying to actually think this talk through, decide how the hell to broach the subject. “So we need to have a talk, huh? If you’re eyeing your sister like that, seems like it’s time for a chat.” Or I could just blurt things out, that works too. Shit. “It’s perfectly natural to have feelings, and be curious, and want to look at a pretty girl, or do more than look. At your age, things are changing, and you’re growing up, becoming a man. It’s natural to want to explore those feelings. Hell, I’ve done my fair share of exploring, and if you ever have any questions, I’m here and I’m happy to talk to you, okay? Any time. No question too embarrassing, you can always come to me, okay? In fact, we should definitely have a talk about that too.”

    That part’s the easy part. Sex talk, no problem. Hell, I’ll walk him through it, give him a blow by blow, I’d maybe even offer a demonstration if I was still banging his mom, though probably Lacey wouldn’t be up for an audience. Thought had never much bothered me, though, hell, walk through the Meadow during the right time of year and it was hard to miss at least one couple knocking one out in the name of love or lust or procreation. No such thing as privacy, not really, and if he hadn’t grown up on an island where not a whole lot of sex was happening (no complaints) he’d probably already have caught someone in the act by now.

    Our species wasn’t exactly known for subtlety.

    “Thing is, son. Kylin isn’t the right person to explore those feelings with. I know you two are close, and she’s a pretty girl, but she’s your sister. I’m gonna ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly, okay? And no matter what your answer is, I’m not gonna be mad, and I’m not gonna love you any less. You’re my kid, I’m always gonna love you, and I’m always gonna be here for you, okay? Is looking all you’ve done with Ky?” Kind of important to know how far things have gone, so I know what needs saying and what doesn't.
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

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    RE: kerberos - by Kharon - 05-26-2017, 10:33 AM
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    RE: kerberos - by Kerberos - 06-09-2017, 01:58 PM
    RE: kerberos - by Kharon - 06-09-2017, 08:24 PM

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