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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i will show you fear in a handful of dust -- any
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    Molotov is fresh in his mind.

    Of all the creatures he'd met and observed, she is the first telepath to cross the colt's path. Their rendezvous had been enjoyable, the black filly's personality leaving a satisfied smirk on Amet's lips and thoughts of her in his head. The dragon-boy weaves through the Forest now, finding himself in solitude once more, his pace slow and meandering as he appreciates the silence.

    "Goddamnit, Sakir!"

    The gold-and-bronze boy throws his head up instantly. His entire body tenses and his leather plates glint as the ropy muscles beneath them flex. Amet is on the move before Iset's voice fades away with his ears thrown forward, his gait quickening to a frantic gallop. Sakir? his mind questions, but it must be true, if Iset is calling their brother's name. But what if she is just calling to the sky, as if lamenting the absence of the beloved boy? His own heart squeezes at the thought, dreading the hope that had blossomed in his narrow chest.

    It doesn't take him long to find Iset (though it feels like it has been forever since her voice faded in the thick tree boughs), but it's the dark shape on the ground that she is tugging on that gets the gilded colt's attention. Momentarily, the feathered white mare goes unnoticed.

    "Sakir?" he questions, with a voice that nearly cracks. Amet has slowed to a snail's pace, his neck extended so that his muzzle is reaching out for his siblings, his only real family in all of the world. He nears them tentatively, as if he could be imagining the picture that has unfolded before him. Iset's twin is limp and dazed, but it truly is the young boy that they'd both left behind in the Dunes.

    A sharp pain rises in Amet's throat and he blinks his amber eyes rapidly to rid them of the tears that have suddenly welled within them. The feathered mare moves, catching the Akhal-Teke's attention as she moves slowly closer, as well. The dragon-scaled colt debates, albeit briefly, pushing her away just as Iset had done, but her wings remind him of Brennen, and Amet is instantly comforted. "Do you... do you know any healers?" he asks, his voice betraying the hopefulness hidden inside him.


    @[Iset] @[Sakir] @[Snowphish]

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    RE: i will show you fear in a handful of dust -- any - by Amet - 05-14-2017, 06:51 PM

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