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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Face to the sun || Warrick - Any

    He watches her with bright eyes, illuminated by the orange glow of the volcano and the brilliant starlight above them, as she easily moves into the water with him. The water is cool and refreshing against their hot and tired skin, soothing burning muscles and releasing the dust from the full day’s travel. Tang was lovely; a vivid spirit, set alight within a darkened world. He feels drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. She is bright and illuminates him, bringing out the parts of him that he didn’t know still existed deep within his soul.

    The night air brings a chilled breeze to brush against his damp skin, a sign that winter was heavy in other areas of Beqanna. He realizes that he will miss the day that Tang leaves Tephra for the Lake in the spring – but he understands that holding a wanderer to one place was cruel. He would not expect her to stay with him in the tropical landscape forever; but he would expect her to visit frequently. Their friendship was quickly growing, blossoming into a relationship that Warrick felt himself leaning onto willingly.

    Tang’s words are magical and whimsical, so much like his sister’s from days past. His heart swells in pride, enjoying the fact that she too shared the same ideas when it came to the world around them. He smiles at her, lowering his head to drink from the water slowly. The still waters reflect the moon’s silver light in the soft ripples that came from his lips disturbing the surface, his long black tail melting into the water as it floats lazily behind him. His cobalt-tipped ears prick curiously, then realizes how incredibly daft he had been as her host. He lifts his head quickly, clearing his throat. “I’m so sorry!” he exclaims with a laugh, tossing his head as he did so. “I shouldn’t assume that everyone has seen what I’ve seen.”

    He walks towards her, his indigo legs pulling himself through the water as it parts against his strong chest. He stands beside her now, his tangled and wet mane plastered against the curve of his neck. “Beqanna’s magic comes from its depths. There are fairies who give the earth and its residents that magic, choosing when we could receive less or more of it.” He pauses, letting the information sink in. Crickets fill the silence, an orchestra of chirps in the grasses on the shoreline that sway delicately in the nighttime breeze.

    “I never knew my father, but my mother inherited some unique traits from her family. The navy of my legs are from her side of the family,” he pauses, gesturing with his head down at a foreleg that he had risen from the water momentarily. He thinks of Orani, his skin shivering with the familiar prick of grief that overwhelms him each time her memory comes to his mind. Subconsciously, he leans his weight towards Tang, his shoulder brushing against her golden and cream skin; almost in weariness. He snorts softly, composing himself and his thoughts, though does not move himself from her as he continues. “Any kind of magic you can think of, Tang, is somewhere here in Beqanna. It sounds wonderful, and it is. But you must be careful.”

    Warrick’s blue eyes peer out from the mass of black forelock, giving the young mare a small smirk to reassure her. “Not all horses will use their abilities in the way that it was originally intended. Promise me that when you leave here in the Spring, you understand that not all horses here are as welcoming as Bristol and myself.”

    w a r r i c k


    I started this post and forgot that we were doing a time warp thingy cause I am a mess. So feel free to do whatever you want in the next post and I will follow willingly <3333

    Messages In This Thread
    Face to the sun || Warrick - Any - by Tangerine - 04-25-2017, 10:28 PM
    RE: Face to the sun || Warrick - Any - by Warrick - 04-26-2017, 04:54 PM
    RE: Face to the sun || Warrick - Any - by Warrick - 05-01-2017, 04:41 PM
    RE: Face to the sun || Warrick - Any - by Warrick - 05-07-2017, 03:19 PM

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