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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    under southern skies; any
    A throat clearing catches their undivided attention;
    They recognize her after a moment of hard stares and faces still pinched tight in anger.

    It looks like Lily, but all grown up. She bears more resemblance to Spear now, thick and filled out in ropes of muscle and scars that surely have stories to tell them. To them, she is still Lily - minus the wings that they’d seen on her last time, but the red hair is the same as are the glittering gold of her eyes.

    They share a look; maybe even a decision to momentarily forgo their fighting (it was too heated to be familial bickering to them, too hot and hateful in a way that neither of them has ever shown the other but even they’ve kept themselves apart for too long - changed, like Lily has) and plaster congenial smiles on their spent roman-nosed faces. Each of them feels like a strange heavy weight has left their shoulders as Lily looks shy and uncomfortable.

    “Don’t go…” Spark murmurs, taking a step forward.
    “Stay,” echoes Spear who remains back a pace, content to let his eyes linger on Lily and anywhere but his sister.

    “We’ve missed you too.” Spark admits, still somewhat ignoring Spear who refuses to look at her. She moves closer to the big black mare (everyone is big to Spark who remains small and slight), and brushes her nose against the scar-laden shoulder. The sight of that seems to spur Spear into motion and he moves to Lily’s off side, echoing the touch but his nose finds the seam of puckered flesh where a wing once was. “What happened to your wings?” The concern in his voice is genuine, as his lips trace the length of the scar in a friendly kiss.

    “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell us.” Spark amends quickly, shooting her brother a meaningful glare over Lily’s broad back. Sometimes, he was so bold and so rude…. And she missed that in him, even as they sparred and spat at one another. She tucked a sigh into the black skin of Lily’s shoulder, noting the sinew beneath that belied a strength Spark did not possess. “Oh Lily…” she murmurs, “we missed you!”

    Spear & Spark

    Messages In This Thread
    under southern skies; any - by Spear + Spark - 04-02-2017, 05:17 PM
    RE: under southern skies; any - by Lilitha - 04-02-2017, 05:38 PM
    RE: under southern skies; any - by Spear + Spark - 04-02-2017, 05:58 PM
    RE: under southern skies; any - by Lilitha - 04-03-2017, 08:50 PM
    RE: under southern skies; any - by Spear + Spark - 04-08-2017, 09:45 PM
    RE: under southern skies; any - by Lilitha - 04-09-2017, 12:33 PM

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