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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Ah hell. The magic that sexy beast of a fairy’d hit me with was getting impatient. I let it go a little too long, all caught up in turning Lacey into something beautiful and not paying attention to time tick tick ticking away. The longer I left it, the louder it got, shouting, screaming in my veins, giving me a raging goddamn headache.

    Four down, one to go.

    One annoying little shit of a kid - weren’t they all annoying little shits? - who I fine, might have been slightly responsible for creating, but that didn’t mean she was supposed to be my problem. At least she was a girl, and could make for a good toy sometime down the line. When she was a bit bigger. Cur don’t fuck around with babies. Gross. Two freakish, fucked up monsters who were so gloriously hideous I couldn’t resist setting them loose on the world. And one deliciously sexy, pissed off dragon man. Mmm. God, he was gonna be fun to play with someday.

    Maybe he’d teach me a lesson or two like I taught pretty Lacey. A man could dream anyhow.

    The magic was getting fucking impatient, and demanding as shit too. Maybe because winter had set in but good, and time was running short. Gods though, for serious, just one more to find. Take a damn breather already. Ohhh except. Yeah, no, I liked that one. Good choice. Tall, light, and sexy, looking grumpy as hell, and the closer I got, the more...mmm, delightful I felt. A little off-kilter, languid, sluggish, loose. Warm. Mmm, warm, flowing in my veins, pooling in my belly, like I’d swallowed fire.

    “Well hello there,” I tried to purr, but it got a little slurry, and it was hard to focus on him somehow. God that feeling was delicious. “I don’t know what you’ve got going on there, but it is delightful. I’d like a bit more of...whatever this is. So here, have a present.” And I let the magic free to sink into his skin and unleash this exquisite feeling on the whole motherfucking world.

    If the heat flowing through my veins was any indication, it’d make finding the next person to bang even easier. I’d do just about anyone feeling like this. Tall, pale, and sexy included. I gave him a good once-over, but quickly came to the conclusion that he didn’t especially swing my way, and I’d been shot down enough recently that I was not inclined to try to persuade him. Besides, pissing off the person responsible for this seemed like a terrible idea. “So what’s your story then?” I asked, swaying a little on my solid iron feet.
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

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    Kerberos - by Reilly - 12-26-2016, 05:24 PM
    RE: Kerberos - by Kerberos - 01-12-2017, 03:44 PM

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