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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran // rodrik & any

    In truth, Rodrik would never need anything to inflate his ego. He is more self-confidant than anything in his ability to do and get what he wants. When you are the devil, everything is quite easy to get. It surprised him how foolish others can be. Moreover, he is more marveled at the idea of others that think on the same thought line as him. It has made such tasks easier but also manipulating quite harder to do. Rodrik, forever and always, never feared a challenge. It was a fun game—a dangerous game to play.

    Rodrik listens carefully to the blanket buckskin. He never lets his nutmeg gaze slip away from her as the moment of silence consume between the two of them. The silence is welcoming, a certain dark peacefulness comforts him. Aditi moves her gaze across the land as he curiously waits for what she has to say.

    What she says is something he does not quite expect. There are few who would think so deeply into a land. Most others would comment on the obvious, but Aditi thought outside the box. “You have an eye for unobvious matters,” he comments, “though I hope no raids will take place very soon.” Beqanna deserved a peaceful moment. A moment for them to rebuild a life and find a foundation of balance and strength in their new lands. “Beqanna indeed is in a time of peace, but when with the coming of the Reckoning it will all be forgotten soon enough.” He flicks his tail as he feels the wind picking up. Rodrik has grown used to the wind and the song it sings sometimes. It is a comforting tune he has found coming close to his heart—a new age it reminds him of. “Of course there are spots for us to eat. I would not dare live in such a place without.”

    Rodrik smirks at her next question. Aditi does not give away anything with her neutral expression. It reminds him of a game he played once with Brunhild. However, such a thing turned into something else. It was nothing he would have thought become between them but it did. “I would say I enjoy my new companion so far.” He admits honestly as the comment isn’t very hidden when it comes to those he feels he can bond with (though always for his own benefit in the end). “I see that we might get along, perhaps one day you might prove to me worth something to me.” Rodrik tilts his head for a moment, nutmeg eyes studying her set of eyes. “Then again, you might make a very worthy enemy to me. It’s hard to say but I am sure in time I will find out.” He smirks at her softly.
    character info: here | character reference: here | image © rostyslav zagornov

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    RE: i'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran // rodrik & any - by Rodrik - 12-23-2016, 09:20 PM

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