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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a secret monster in her pocket {naga
    breaking waves of change
    Just after twilight, the sun already hiding it's rays behind the horizon. The mist began settling along the coastline, and the salty waters hissed up on the shore only to slide back into the ocean. The night had come, though the midsummer in Nerine had not failed to still stay somewhat warm once sun dipped behind the "end of the earth". Our dark woman walks slowly, her hooves pressing deeply into the warm wet sand, leaving hoof prints behind that are quickly stolen away by the ever swaying ocean. She is beginning to get into the swing of her new title, though she did not take advantage of it. Not like some before her.

    She understood that it would take a while for the women who followed her here that day from the mountains did not trust her much. Some rolled their eyes at her, some disregarded her completely, some questioned her. She knew not all of them would like her, but she at least wanted a bit of respect, to be liked, and most of all, trusted. But, it would take time, and effort, and she was willing to give all of it.

    Though now, she had to deal with something the other queens did not....not for centuries before her time. Beqanna was new, the lands were new, the KINGDOMS were new. She needed to sculpt this new sisterhood kingdom, traditions and rules of the past that were linked to the Jungle were gone now. It was up to her to guide her kingdom in a new direction, a new, progressive sisterhood. Not all their residents would be women now, though still a female dominant kingdom. She had invited Simeon to come, and she knew he would eventually, but the other was one she did not know...but knew he was there. He had been there all along...

    Our dark woman noticed the black stallion during her evening walks, usually just before dusk. She knew not of his intentions, she did not even know his name, but she watched him occasionally, perched up on her favorite rock. She would watch him slink out from within his cave dwelling in the cliffs, and make his way to grave above the rocky cliff side. Tonight, she was to investigate. She needed to know what his plans were. She sure as hell was not going to step aside to let a stallion take over her sisters. Though the strong minded sisters would not allow it to happen away, it was better to be safe than sorry.

    She pressed on, faster pace now, her rump swinging from side to side as she trotted up the rocky hillside. Though he was usually out earlier than now, Naga noticed he was not out early as usual. So as she reached the ridge, she spotted him, a dark form grazing alone. She straightened her posture, striding slowly and elegantly toward him. She exuded grace and maturity, a big change from herself when she first came to the sisterhood as a young filly with a bit of a social problem.

    She called out to him, low and welcoming, and her silky deep voice hummed out from between black velvet lips.

    "Good evening. I know you have seen me plenty of times and know of what I am since my arrival here with the sisters, though I wanted to introduce myself formally. My name is Naga. I have seen you around many times...what is your name?"

    She left it short and sweet, learning that too much blabber leaves for plenty of eye rolls and ignoring faces.

    Though she hopes he is friendly, living with a grumpy cave dweller would be a bit of an issue with a bunch of strong feminist-like women around. She also wouldn't be too stoked either. Though she was always one to be welcoming and give strangers a chance, even if they seem dark and mysterious.

    Here is to hoping for a friendly male addition to the Maiden's kingdom of Nerine.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: a secret monster in her pocket {naga - by Naga - 10-06-2016, 10:54 PM

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