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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you bring out the darker side of me { ANY }
    breaking waves of change
    Bad memories of her foalhood and the two time loss of the jungle plagued her head. She wondered if it was because of nerves. She was to be a queen, and not just any queen, but the queen of the NEW amazons. She was going  to be the one who had to reform everything, lay out new laws, new ranks, new everything, as well as lead the trusting and mistrusting to a land they knew nothing about. Unlike their beloved jungle that they had grown up in and knew well, that had never changed in many years before most of the sisters even knew. She still could not shed the anxiety of being a new queen in this practically new world. But soon her thoughts are broken when a voice catches her dark foxy pony ears.

    She pricks them forward, exotic green eyes flash to the creature who emerged into the little alcove. Her nice winter coated legs were wet with mud, and her body and face were shaggy. Naga envied her warmth, and when the woman asked her if she was cold, with a slight smirk playing upon her lips, our dark woman couldn't help but exchange that same smirk. Then the woman noticed her anxieties, guessing it was probably written all over her sleek, black face.Velvet tones slipped from her smooth velvet lips, her voice as sultry as always.

    "Very, you are lucky to have a winter coat. I lived in a humid jungle all my life 'til  now. So this is my first winter living in the cold. And, you would correct my dear. A lot on my mind."

    It is then the painted woman strides forward, circling around our dark feline woman as she finds a place beside her...close. Naga feels her body quiver as they are practically rubbing muzzles, she breathes in the sweet scent of the woman's warm breath. She immediately sighs and closes her eyes. warmth... she thinks to herself. Though it doesn't help Naga's attraction to women make her a little prickly with nerves. Her green eyes flicker to the woman beside her, steam flowing from her lips.

    "Thank you...you're so warm, it's definitely helping. As for my mind, I don't think it will be at rest until I get the fairies apologies and to give us a home...until then, my mind is nervous. I will be a first time queen."

    She doesn't know why she is opening up to this mysterious woman, she seems like stone, yet she is so warm against her sleek cold coat and thin skin. Maybe it is because of her lack of her sun....her beautiful Ashara. She missed her...the golden woman that stole her heart. She had not seen her since the shift...and she wondered if she would ever see her again. It had been so long, maybe she had to move on...

    "So, space heater...what may I call you by..."

    Messages In This Thread
    you bring out the darker side of me { ANY } - by Naga - 09-13-2016, 10:48 PM
    RE: you bring out the darker side of me { ANY } - by Naga - 09-14-2016, 12:45 PM
    RE: you bring out the darker side of me { ANY } - by Naga - 09-15-2016, 05:19 PM

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