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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    here it comes without warning; magnus
    Truthfully, she was broken and in pain. She was grieving silently for the loss of a home and those she knows—she wonders if they are dead, but she’s beginning to think they are. These emotions are something she isn’t sure how to handle. Sometimes it feels okay and the next she can feel the rush of them coming on so quickly, like she is stuck in some sort of brewing storm that hasn’t quite started yet. However, instinctively, she is hiding it from showing Magnus. She isn’t ready to grieve outwardly; to show she is hurting. One of these days she will crumble, but, for now, she cannot let herself—she has to wear this mask of deception.

    She listens to him silently while her eyes are on him only—disregarding the crowd that surrounds them, those trying to figure out where to go next or find their loved ones. Lucrezia considers what he says carefully. She knows this is the part of the process of finding what his intentions are. It wouldn’t be the whole truth, she knows this, because deep down not everyone wore their emotions and secrets on their sleeves. There would always be that part of you that you never truly told anyone—and sometimes you could be lucky to find someone to share that little, dark part of you.

    “You sound like a hero,” she says bluntly, but it’s the truth in her eyes. She wonders what made him turn out to be like this—what kind of secrets he hides beneath this dark eyes of his. Lucrezia doesn’t prod though. It wouldn’t be the right time to, and who knows if she would ever see Magnus again (he is just another stranger trying to find his way in this chaotic mess. “It’s good though. It’s kind of you to help others like that.” She smiles softly at him. “I think we could use more others like you right now in this time of need.”

    Lucrezia was no shining star either. She had her own set of flaws as much as anyone else had of their own. However, despite all the mess of her imperfections, she knew sometimes how to work through them. She tried to do her best to be the person she wanted to be—although failing many times over the past year. Maybe, she thinks and hopes, one day she can learn and be who she desires (whatever that person might be, she isn’t sure exactly who that is though).

    He offers his service to her—his duty to help—and she wonders, even second guesses if she needs it. Lucrezia could easily toss him to the side, move on from him and be on her own again, but even that sounds like a terrible idea. Alone is something she does not want—she wants to be with others, others that have hope for a better future, others that will remember the reason they were given a second chance, and others that will build upon those values is has always hold dearly. “I want a place to call home again,” she says honestly. “I don’t want to make the same mistakes I have in the past before.” And exactly what those are she does not say, but she hopes that maybe he might be able to led her in the right direction.
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    RE: here it comes without warning; magnus - by Lucrezia - 09-06-2016, 10:14 PM

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