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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    here it comes without warning; magnus
    Purpose—she remembers having one before the mountain had come. She had gone to the Falls to find her old friend, then a king, Kreios. In her heart she knew Kreios would know what to do about reviving the Deserts – the flood that took her home. Her purpose had been to bring back the one thing she loved most, to save the Deserts. She would have done anything to bring back the sandy dunes—even sacrifice her life for the kingdom.

    She will forget what it feels like to have her hooves sink in the golden sands; she will forget the feeling of the warm sunlight on her face; she will forget the fresh taste of the water at the oasis. All she has left is the golden sphinx tattooed on her right hip—a gift from the gods, the guardians, of the light kingdom. It was a reminder of their lessons, a reminder that she had failed them, all of them.

    It wasn’t enough.

    Lucrezia needed something more now. A purpose – a direction of some sort – is what she needed most right now. This is her second chance, a blessing from the guardians of the Deserts. It was her turn to actually do something, to actually be somebody. But she is only one, and she is terrible at being brave lately—Yael would’ve slapped her in the face for acting this way. She knows she is capable of much but she has never given herself credit enough.

    Maybe this is why she came to the forest, to reminisce on old memories, to find some sort of solution that she can change things for the better. The Chamber had been her burial ground; the Deserts had been her birth. Maybe this forest was where she would leave every thing behind that held her back—a step in the right direction.

    Her nutmeg eyes are quick to catch the sight of the approaching buckskin stallion. Lucrezia watches him carefully, she is cautious of strangers more than ever now. However, she has mastered the art of deception so it is not hard for her to put on a warm and neutral expression that matches his own. He asks me as if the world has not fallen apart, she thinks to herself when he greets her. The question makes her want to laugh almost, the irony of it all really.

    “Hello Magnus,” she says coming to a stop when he does. She keeps herself back a little, a distance that was comfortable but enough for her to run if needed to be (though she hoped not). “I’m Lucrezia.” Her name rolls off easily. She had been a diplomat one time before the mountain had come. Greetings and conversations came easily to her. “I’m doing okay.” She admits freely, though the idea of being okay was farfetched one. “A little shaken from the change, but it will be okay.” She smiles softly—trying to find hope in her own words.

    “And you? How are you?” Her head tilts to the right slightly, as a mask of concern conceals her face. Truthfully, she isn’t sure if she should trust this stranger. Lucrezia has always been careful of others—a skill she often used without thought until she learns the true intent of the other. It was a skill her father taught her once that she is thankful for despite everything else he had ever shown her
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    RE: here it comes without warning; magnus - by Lucrezia - 09-04-2016, 12:15 PM

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